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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Good work buddy and nice guide! If your interested in doing some more, let me know
  2. Sounds like a good win that mate. As your not a full club member you will need to use the photobucket or picup to uoload from your iPad.
  3. Morning everyone! Quick morning bump. Is anyone planning on heading down the night before?
  4. Yep, just a single sided ribbed belt, they are much cheaper too but only get continental one
  5. Sounds like you need to run VCDS / VAG-COM through and it will tell you faults. have you tried different climatronic panel to verify you don't have duff buttons ?
  6. I've got a 3.68 final drive in my Corrado too so was impressed, I was doing between 75-80 mph most if the way on the journey. Interest is encouraging guys, I must have had a bad day yesterday and doubted the whole thing! I'm pants at this organising lark
  7. Cheers mate yeah it's time that I handed over the reins to a team that does have the time to dedicate towards the club. Really struggling with things at the moment with work and everything else I love my family, doing all the club stuff and website stuff and Corrado stuff! There's only so much of me to go around lol
  8. I drove 300 in my Corrado vr6 averaging 35 mpg using 3/4 of my tank. It takes £80 to fill my tank.
  9. First of all I'd just like to say thank you for all those who have been involved in running the club over the years. VR6Nat Craggsy Bungy Dubloke JimPotter VdubGirl Blondie Earwig-VR6 BenSeabrook Jake And the many more that have helped out over the last 10 years. As with many things in life, people move on and as such we now seeking involvement from you guys to come on board to secure the clubs future. Essentially we looking for pro-active people who can commit time to the club to make improvements, organize club events and shows, have an active presence on the forum, basic technical unders
  10. Hi Everyone, In order to get some actual confirmed numbers for this, can I please ask you fill out the NEW registration form for this event: http://form.jotformeu.com/form/32451781767361 Please only register if you are attending.
  11. Doesn't seem much interest, I'm on the verge of throwing in the towel with this as its just not worth our time organising this.
  12. Over the years, from the very first GTI Festival events in the late 1980s, the shows have attracted hordes of Volkswagen enthusiasts to several different venues around the UK. The GTI Festival and GTI International were for a decade or more, just about the only specialist water cooled VW events of the year. Now, we have a busy show calendar. The GTI Festival has moved its date to the end of that busy calendar, to establish a Final Fling season finale, before the time comes to put cars away for the close season, or pull them apart for mods or winter rebuilds. The GTI Festival – Season Finale
  13. I'm getting a clear picture to be honest mate, do you have photos of the new and old throttle body position? Take a look here: http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?106705 I just need to know if there if your old one was an OBD1 or OBD2... OBD2 throttle body looks like: OBD1 looks like:
  14. What was your old engine OBD1 and OBD2? What is different from your old and new throttle body? ISV valves are a bit of a pain, but if you have had the inlet off etc.... check to ensure you have bolted and tightened everything up properly too...
  15. Was a top weekend, enjoyed the top fuel cars today and some awesome times on the strip!
  16. Well, it's heading to that time of the year again and looking at organising our annual Christmas meal Usually this falls around the 10th December near Swindon. Let me know if you are wanting to so this and we will go with the vast majority Pete
  17. Looks awesome. Shame you can't make VW action this Sunday for our club stand.
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