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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Hah! Ive already cable tied my splitter back together after I cracked it at inters the other week.... Not sorted it yet, I'll take a spare can of oil lol... Will be going in to stealth at the end of the year the engine work
  2. Much better! What was your issue with your starter motor?
  3. Ok let's get some numbers down then 6 confirmed as attending so far on Facebook.
  4. I must be mad but I'm going to take my corrado VR6 on holiday to Cornwall at the end of the month. If it brakes down I won't hear the last of it off the mrs, but looking forward to stretching its legs.... It's 360 miles each way plus what ever I do when I'm down there... Usually total up around 1000 miles... Hope it goes ok as I'm at tatton park the day after I'm back Do you take your VR on your family holiday ?
  5. All passes where postal addresses have been received via PM has now been sent.... Please aim to be there for around 09:00... Don't let us down See you then!
  6. Just easily accessible and everyone is on Facebook these days so just seeing how it works out really We have our fan page, but its not very good for discussions etc... Not everyone is clued up on forums etc...
  7. We are keeping with the times and have created a Facebook discussion group for the club as an experiment... Go and get yourself over there and take a look! http://www.facebook.com/groups/1394826800737154/? Pete.
  8. That's a late obd2 as it has single top chain.
  9. Try roose Motorsport, you might be able send them your hose as a template and they can make some up
  10. Got MT90 in mine after being recommended.
  11. Been trying find my email from Vince at stealth... Might be worth you giving him a quick call. Just seen this box for sale on here so quick win of you can find out info from Vince http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?508544.last
  12. We are planning a big VR6OC reunion for this event too, so dust off those cob webs!!
  13. Passes will be sent out this weekend! Got one spare pass!?
  14. Think captain pugwash is, we are all at bugjam this weekend Next show for me is tatton park
  15. I don't know how they can be confused, it comes in a silver container
  16. Sounds similar to when I had a MAF issue
  17. Only buy beru mate Got mine from Jim potter on here...
  18. Is that the one with a 2 speed box?
  19. Your best off looking for second hand G60 boxes matey, be aware though not all are compatible
  20. Exciting announcement regarding this event coming soon!
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