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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Ouch. Nasty that ! How come it set on fire?
  2. Good work mate making good progress
  3. VR6Pete

    Vrt mk1

    Build thread update required
  4. Here are a few pictures from Sunday! All the cars were stunning! Couldn't choose "a best car" as they were all fantastic in their own right for different reasons...
  5. Jeepers mate, you don't do things by half, that's unlucky with the valve though! Keep it at it mate! I almost lost hope a few times doing my corrado, but totally different story now its on the road..... Pete
  6. Yes I'd forgot about your warning lol, slightly annoyed with myself over snapping it!
  7. Oh yes... Totally agree with you there lol
  8. Excellent, rumours have it that the planets are aligned in perfectly harmony for this weekend
  9. Pretty good then any idea on power output?
  10. We were a little out the way to be honest with you! pretty sure the club plots were in alphabetical order so we were down near where the the car wash bays were! Plus turnout on Saturday wasn't that good. Sunday much better though
  11. Not bad at all mate considering the heat and lack of grip on the strip mate, what mods have you got and what was your 0 - 60?
  12. Well I enjoyed today immensely, good turnout from the club, many thanks for joining us today, full stand and a good mixture of variants on display! I managed to snap my front splitter within minutes of arriving, the ground was very uneven on the grass. The venue I felt was a bit tired and run down, could really do with a good tidy up and sorting out the grassy areas and giving it a freshen up! Location wise, was great, much easier get to than the last venues, good amount of trade stands, drag strip was ok, but lacked grip from speaking to a few people, overall it wasn't very organised on the
  13. Was a great day, venue was a bit of a dive and snapped my splitter getting on the grass! Bloody hot, had a full stand today, some stunning cars on there!
  14. Nice work guys! Not sure if I can make this due to being on holiday, but up for VW action??! Anyone?
  15. Oh yeah! Good thinking sir! Save on stamps! £3.60 for six 1st class stamps and I've bought 3 books so far lol!
  16. Dave will be hanging near the control cabin and has his forum username on his car! His demo runs at at 12:00 and 15:00 but will pop over to our stand after his run Wish him well on the strip!!
  17. Errrrm. Not sure to be honest with you mate, I feel really bad now! Hate letting people down
  18. Quick message from Dave Lea (dlea)! Pete tell peeps I am at the rear of the strip near the opening at the rear of the strip....
  19. A little high.. Not by much, speed 1 kicks in at 98 degrees, when was the last time you flushed the system?
  20. Have a good day tomorrow guys I dropped banner off a short while ago so should be on its way down to you Don't forget to get it back to Dlea at the end of the day. And get looooads of awesome photos
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