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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. No worries fella, hope you had a good day
  2. Bump! Will be sending out the last batch of passes tonight, still 2 places left!
  3. I didn't know it was a new series until yesterday loo, not seen much advertising for it!
  4. Hopefully everyone watched Top Gear on Sunday Night I caught up on iPlayer last night! What did everyone think? Enjoyed the main segment with the boat racing the hire car, looked brutal on James May!
  5. It's ok mate, your car is too good for our stand anyway But thanks for offering out with the banner and things!! Big big help Right guys, last big push to fill the last 4 spaces for Saturday! Tell your friends, post it on Facebook! Lets do the club proud people
  6. Some serious fabrication going on there matey! Hope you'll be wishing your car on the VR6OC club stand for UD2014 Keep up the work and don't give up fella!
  7. Good to see some newer motors it will get there mate, it took 4 years get my corrado back on the road, so don't give up
  8. Yeah dub power ones are good, did you just go with the standard core ones?
  9. Shocking isn't it! Even from the first few seconds, you know he can't handle it, not even with a top gear wing!
  10. Hi mate. A few people have ran eBay turbo setups on here, you get what you pay for... Jim potter had a turbo setup for under 1k... Well known thread on here detailing how But there was a chap at our rolling road a couple weeks back who had an eBay turbo knocking out 270, not to be sniffed at, but unsure what the lifespan on these turbos are! All depends what your budget, but would like to see someone brave enough to take the plunge and give one of these ago and provide some feedback, got to be better than one of these electric super chargers though lol
  11. Ok matey, Friday would be ok for me.... 4 places left guys, lets see if we can get Saturday filled
  12. Ok, im happy with that if everyone else is happy with that on the Saturday? I can get the banners from you first thing sunday... sorted Will you be coming my way Friday night?
  13. magnecore are alternatives... not cheap but bloody good, I had all new ends put on mine following a crash for my mk3, cost me just over 25 quid fix and test them, all came back looking like new!
  14. Buy genuine, pay once mate.... I've had GSF ones, and didn't last too long, got magnecors now though, good lead, and they have a repair service too which I've used before
  15. That could work, but would need make sure that at the end of Saturday the banner isn't just left there ?
  16. bump only 4 spaces left for Saturday, I don't really want to leave any longer than Wednesday getting passes in the post
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2351986/At-15-people-injured-including-children-super-car-crashes-crowd-rally-Poland.html Pretty bad, looking at the second video, clearly cant handle the power before he puts his foot down, hope that no one is seriously injured and makes a full recovery!
  18. Whoop. I had wondered how you were getting on mate, not seen any updates for a wee while
  19. What we gonna do about banners? I've got one With Aframe and nige has one with no A frame? My banner will be at inters on Sunday, but need it back for tatton park
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