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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Hola! Welcome to the club. 24v part of the same bread. We are not 12v snobs [emoji23][emoji23] Let's see some photos of this car
  2. That's a nice steering wheel. I really loved that wheel. Wondered where it ended up!
  3. Likes: 2 @deanerf 's awesome vr6 turbo mk2 Jetta shot by @rkphoto_ - Website: https://www.vr6oc.com/ - Club Membership: https://www.vr6oc.com/membership - iOS and Android App Available on the AppStore! - DM the page for a shout out #Vr6oc #vr6 #vw #volkswagen #mk2 #mk2jetta #vr6turbo vr6oc,vr6turbo,vr6,mk2,vw,mk2jetta,volkswagen View on Instagram
  4. So, 10 years later numbers have dropped quite considerably and makes me feel quite sad. Here's a quick screen dump of popular models from How Many Left ! Full list of how many left are here: https://www.howmanyleft.co.uk/?page=1&q=VR6 Discuss.
  5. Alright chaps. Take a look - there is no part number first of all. There are a few options with this. 1) Just clean it up - more than likely surface rust anyway unless its penetrated the metal! of course you would need to ensure debris doesn't fall within the coolant channels and would need flushing out. 2) replace with an AN fitting. 3) remove and press a new pipe in - from what I understand they were not designed to be replaced so not worth the haste. 4) get another head where the pipe is in a better condition - they are cheap
  6. I believe places like Pirtek may be able to help to make one up
  7. Wow that's stunning. Always had a soft spot for a mk1
  8. I'm sure it could win a lot of shows again! someone needs to buy this and keep it in the club! Mark - have you ever thought of buying another VR6 that isn't so full on show mode? I hate to say it, something a bit more practical!
  9. Hi @VR6Addict - welcome to the club Lets see some photos Pete
  10. Ah yes it wouldn't like that if you were at a high RPM, whip the box off. my money is on clutch fork
  11. Anyone got any new funny related stuff?
  12. Thought it was time to dig this one back up! Lets see your awesome internet MEME's
  13. Torque. Lots of it [emoji23]. How about this then; vr6 Porsche
  14. Hi @VR6Addict Welcome to the community! What questions have you got in relation to the tuning?
  15. VR6 gearboxes should be able take 300 BHP all day long... of course could be a few different things and seems a broad statement to say gearbox has gone... You are best removing the box, but can pick them up cheap enough second hand and DIY job to replace. I would be checking out the clutch fork first of all as they are prone to crack resulting in similar symptoms to that you have reported. Would always recommend a rebuild if possible and replace those troublesome diff rivets with ARP bolts - you know where you are with a rebuild, but with any second hand box
  16. Some of you may have seen on Facebook earlier. The club is 13 years old today! Many thanks to all those who contribute to the VR6OC community and also our many members [emoji173]️ Why not have your say below on what you love or have gotten out of the club over the years? New friendships ? New relationships? [emoji7] Knowledge? Enjoyment of events ? Here's to another 13 years [emoji482] Pete
  17. For the first time in my life I thought I would tighten my belt - if you ask @VR6CABBS or @Dave_ciw then I'm tighter than scrooge at Christmas! So far I've managed to save; £21/month by switching my energy tariff with my current energy provider. £15/month by calling sky and removing Cinema from my package - I will be calling them again in a few weeks to complain it is still too much and looking to cancel unless they can further reduce monthly payments. I will be looking at setting up a second bank account for my monthly direct debits to come out of s
  18. VR6's are used in many applications, however this is probably the best one yet Behold a VR6 (3.6 Liter) in a Linde Fork lift - limited to around 90BHP. What other weird and wacky applications have you seen the VR6 used in?
  19. Well that's a result then [emoji1] I have magnecor leads and recommend them. Had them for 8 years but they were originally off my mk3 so much older. I did send them off to magnecor for repair after they were damaged from my crash at the Nurburgring. They have been great since. Pete
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