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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. I've been racking my brains, I can't remember if we covered these in the guides section.... Also have you tried searching the forums?
  2. It's the old sun system from star performance, We've had countless rolling road days there and other places and the figures are spot on give or take ~1-2 bhp, have rolling road printouts from stealth racing and power station to prove it. I've been going there for 10 years for engine work, maps and the likes, their business is built totally on word of mouth and usually a month lead time before you can get booked in for work, optimistic and fabricated power figure gets you no where in business. Infact, we have a rolling road day there on the 16th June, bring your car along and see what it's p
  3. cheers loads of rust here and there and needs some major chopping and welding in places though! nothing tht cant be fixed with time and money lol
  4. I came across this the other night, and was impressed, especially when he took the cap of the radiator, must put the whole coolant system under much less stress / pressure and imagine it would extend the life of the coolant system, probably would be most beneficial after an overhaul. What is the price of this? Here's the video I saw on youtube... s-NfA17q0MQ Would be very interested to hear the results of this, and the best thing is you can re-use the flush too
  5. If we get another 10 cars, I'd be very happy come on guys, dust those cars off and get yourself down to the event !
  6. Bloody good that mate. I need start thinking about my corrado towards the end of the year. I want a full respray, including engine bay
  7. Good price, least you know what you are getting at stealth
  8. Yeah, I've played with the spacing so it's easier to use on iPhone etc... Personally it's the best it's ever been Lots of changes coming in the future, so stay tuned.
  9. Mmm food, I love man Vs food
  10. Awesome. Going to look amazing. How much is all this costing if you don't mind me asking?
  11. 85 mile each way for me, but I've been going to Vince for 10 years now and wouldn't go anywhere else.
  12. Looking awesome mate! Will it be ready in time for our rolling road day?
  13. Wax Tailor have kindly donated the following products for the event! http://www.wax-tailor.com/ 250ml Minted 250ml Pearly pink 250ml Blue Diamond 250ml Opal Glow 250ml Mighty Red 250ml Gold Rush Engine Cleaner 250ml Tailored Glass cleaner
  14. looks 1000000000x better now on iphone than before.... although its worth mentioning that the alternative version is for desktops only
  15. Hi everyone ! Happy Tuesday and things After a some twiddling of some screws, some WD40 there, I have now tweaked the "New Since your last visit" / What's New? page! Head over to there now and see what you think! - http://vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/list_new/list.php?new It will no longer duplicate the thread name when a reply has been made in a thread, but will now collate them together and display the number of new posts, and the last poster.... This is probably the best I can do given the limitations of the system, I have also added an alternative Whats New? (alternative) from the menu system
  16. I thought the steam engine would have held up better than that, but something has to give, better that than the pub lol
  17. Wowsers. Major surgery! But will look a new car after! Will it be ready for the rolling road day?
  18. haha yeah those police folk don't like stretched tyres these days should be easy enough to sort out, don't forget stick your name down mate
  19. Hi there Welcome to the Club The only time I would expect the fan to run after the engine is switched off is when the engine has got very hot, you will probably find the aux pump is also running. Does this happen only when the car is hot, or even if you just start the car and immediately turn it off again? What temperature is your coolant running at? The controller stays on for 10 minutes after you switch the car off (regardless of temperature) and will maintain power to the aux water pump. Stage 1 and 2 fans will come on if needed. After you turn the ignition off after a long hot run, you s
  20. You cant help but see the funny side of this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324230/Drinkers-rocked-runaway-vintage-steam-roller-smashes-Dorset-pub.html
  21. Don't forget to register for the event using the following links' date=' if your on the display for both days, please register via both links Click here to register for the event (Saturday) Click here to register for the event (Sunday)
  22. Result, glad to hear your on the right path mate now your all fixed up, are you coming to our rolling road & show and shine on the 16th? @ stealth racing in Warwickshire?
  23. Site Map ----------- If you are taking part in the show and shine ONLY please park in the blue area. If you are taking part in the Rolling Road AND Show and Shine, please park in the blue area. If you are taking part in the Rolling Road ONLY please park in the Orange area.
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