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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Go is as important a show. Mine hasn't got a straight panel on her. But she will be there. And frankly DLea's is a complete shed. Albeit a fast shed. the club stand is a good spot to park up while letting the car rest Totally agree with commente TheGoth has made - there is a myth that all VW shows expect immaculate paint / bodywork etc.. The VR6OC is not like edition38 where every car has had thousands of pounds spent and then they are trailered to shows, never enjoyed as car that actually driven We welcome everyone to our club displays, no matter what condition your car is, lets face i
  2. Pretty sure you can we used to run tournaments, once I've added some more games we can have some competitions pass the time inbetween the shows
  3. I had a spare hour so it's back check under Misc > arcade Only got one game up at the moment so will add more ASAP.
  4. Whoops I need fix the template
  5. I like the guys comment at the end "it's not an ideal situation" lmfao
  6. Ah man. That sucks. When ever I used go super markets if park miles away but you still get som twonk who parks an inch from your car! Was there any damage to your car?
  7. One way to fill your instructor with confidence on a driving experience day _UeHc6rp3rI Hilarious!
  8. Do I bring it back? Vote now!!!!
  9. Tell me about it, can't believe it myself! Good job I finished mine last weekend really lmfao
  10. You won't see me at the ring again, that's for sure (well not in my own car that is lmfao)
  11. Got my silicon from Merlin Motorsport for all my one off hoses, joiners etc...
  12. I ran big adapters once, nightmare. I swore I'd never do it again!
  13. Here are a couple of links you may also find useful http://www.corrado-club.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5880&highlight=obd2 http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?3934082-93-Distributor-Corrado-to-OBD2-How-To Cheers Pete
  14. R32 rolling road From:birdiemachine32Views:150ratingsTime:00:32More inAutos & Vehicles
  15. Sounds great. you cant go wrong with mikalor clamps some of those clamps that come with the kits are not the best.... you can almost benefit from some exhaust fitting paste to create a good seal on newly installed systems sounds like you've got it nailed this time though mate, amazing how even the smallest of blows make a system sound different
  16. That's pretty much it mate, think the only point to note is that you need to chop off the headlight loom off the new OBD2 loom as you retain that from the old corrado loom.... The mistake we made doing my corrado was that we removed the loom that runs down the passenger chassis leg, wasn't any need for that, but we did change the engine harness too that goes to the big multi plug and then the new OBD2 loom plugs straight into it nothing special to do, the thing to remember is that every loom is different... air-con etc... may need chopping out etc... but once you have it working, and identifi
  17. uploaded it again mate as it didn't work for some reason
  18. Hi there Dwight Welcome to the website! Have you tried using different wheels? perhaps you have a slightly buckled wheel that could be causing this vibration? My other thought could be that given you had a broken spring and strut that you could have perhaps damaged a drive shaft perhaps? I'm sure some others will come in with some suggestions, but let us know how you get on trying different wheels first
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