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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Yeah. It opens the image to the size of the screen but I can add a zoom
  2. Tidy that paceo. Watched car S.O.S and there was a sierra Cosworth they restored. Did a great job on it too!
  3. Hi Mark. You can look at Recent Activity to see what's been going on, do you mean the last post Icon is missing on the forum categories? If so I can add that back. The forum highlights is just posts us moderators have pinned. Personally, this is the most usable design to date and uses all the latest web technologies, meaning one theme fits all sized screens.
  4. I'm setting off about 9am mate so about 1.5 hours from stoke? Will txt you when I get there
  5. just edited the list to add whos been missed while copy / paste.
  6. I have added some new discount benefits guys... TCR Motorsport Into Detail VW Parts International Mr Injector I have just secured a 10% discount with Opie Oils, and details will be added shortly. I will be talking to Greenlight Insurance tomorrow and setting up a new club discount, giving members a broad range of insurance companies to get the best possible price. More will be added over the coming weeks.
  7. al75 is going too seen on FB
  8. yeah I've got mine ready and the mrs will be branded in her fleece lol no missing us. Helen has printed some flyers, ive got the cards, and loads of stickers to take
  9. Hi mate, Have you had 4 wheel alignment done since all this work? Are you sure the top suspension bits have been assembled correctly? I've heard of things like this before presume you've checked your work over already? Thanks. Pete
  10. I looked at the GSF ones but they were a white box product and the plug was different, had to file a bit off, still did the job, this was a number of years ago so could be different now
  11. Helen is going don't forget
  12. Looking good mate! The key to a highly ranked site is dynamic and relevant content the user it looking for. Suggest you look at "rich snippets" google site map and google web master tools
  13. No problems good luck getting it sorted cheaply!
  14. Can't say I've heard of these, but from past experience its worth spending a little extra for a known good brand like like KW, Koni etc...
  15. You can bypass it if you want, think my genuine Bosch cost around 105 delivered. Not exactly cheap but helps keep coolant circulating on after run
  16. Good day yesterday! managed to get it all stripped down, will be attempting to replace sub-frame and rebuild it back up again on Friday!
  17. Yeah, only a couple of wires though think we have an installation guide on here somewhere!
  18. Always good to be organized, my garage has parts everywhere from whipping out engine yesterday! Sometimes its better to cut your losses and cut it out and then go from there There's always a way of getting it back together, but its surprising what bits you can get from VW still !
  19. Good progress that mate you'll soon have it back together. What's the bet you have some screws left over?
  20. haha, I've not seen this in ages, reminds me of Tarrant on TV
  21. I do like that! looks very modern, how did you achieve that look?
  22. I saw a Vauxhall Astra GTE the other day! and what was most surprising it didn't look like a skip either! kudos!
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