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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. From:samcowrxViews:840ratingsTime:00:11More inAutos & Vehicles
  2. This might be of use - http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?232789 They are not that much new to be honest
  3. Hi mate, would recommend using genuine seals if not doing so already but also to clean out where it slots into the block.... its probably corroded and not forming a good seal !
  4. cant wait to wet my gills again and coming to this to see all you guys (l) maybe it will give me the final push I need to finish the corrado
  5. should be able to pick up the bits you require fairly cheap.... even 45 is too fast for these heavy cars in these conditions on country roads i'm afraid
  6. Have you tried looking up the part number on VAG-CAT and giving your local VW dealer or TPS a call? Club Members get discounts from selected VW dealers and TPS outlets...
  7. My fault! sorry everyone... slap away...
  8. Best phone I've ever owned. Really happy. 600 quid well spent!
  9. awesome, I like it that you can upload images directly from mobile safari now! works pretty well one less reason to jailbreak! Pete
  10. mine came first thing, totally blown me away!! so light compared to my old iphone 4s!
  11. So.............. who's got an iphone 5 ? What do you think?
  12. Didnt think we would still be around after 9 years!, honestly amazed at what we have acheived over the years and the support of our community
  13. Today is a very special day for The VR6 Owners Club as we are celerating our 9th Birthday. We are very excited to reach this milestone and that our member are all so supportive of what we do. Here are some old FLASH BACKS to how the website has progressed over these years... 2003 - http://web.archive.org/web/20040607200019/http://www.vr6golf.co.uk/news.php 2005 - http://web.archive.org/web/20040711180939/http://www.vr6oc.com/news.php 2006 - http://web.archive.org/web/20061231060946/http://www.vr6oc.com/news.php 2008 - http://web.archive.org/web/20080516083538/http://www.vr6oc.com/news.php 2009
  14. Cost me over 1.5k when I had my "bump" there
  15. When I fitted new hydrolic lifters to mine, it was a good 20 minutes before everyting stopped making tapping / ticking noises, it does take a little while for them to be charged with oil.
  16. Can't wait finish my lap off I started in 2006!
  17. I also bought an ECU / imob ring, imob controller and chip and it didnt work, still ended up having the defeat... It's ok if it "does" work, but thats the risk you need to weigh up.... otherwise its 60 quid down the drain
  18. Stealth Racing will do it, you'll need post your ECU to them. 01926 812259
  19. And who cant miss out on an opertunity to meet the one and only VR6Pete .... that cardboard cutout can be thrown away!
  20. Paid 90 quid from eBay.de for a new Bosch pump Was in same position as you but wasn't going pay more than 100 for it. Think the plugs could be different on the V5's but don't quote me. I'm a firm believer for replacing like for like..
  21. Bump. Anyone got anything to contribute to this? :-)
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