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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. good - yeah totally agree, the border was always wrong - it was on my list of things to sort, but nothing like a poke from the users to prompt me to fix it sooner not quite sure i understand what you mean about the sigs seperating the quote bit from the reply? feel free to expand further nothing is impossible
  2. did a little spraying today... just the Corrado Badge as it came pre-primered... used genuine VW L041 Paint and lacquer... turned out OK!
  3. Can't imagine it causing any issues to be honest. Tried all the usual stuff like cleaning ISV, throttle body? Could be that your ISV is duff? Or MAF? (does it run better disconnected, the same or worse?) checked ECU fault codes, vaccum leaks? Does it idle better once upto temp?
  4. 1994 is always gonna be OBD 1
  5. Depends where the dash they are.. Problem is the older they are they become weaker and look different compaired to new ones... Slippery slope if you ask me
  6. That's still smaller than my list when I first got my corrado lol
  7. Membership Packs are usually posted out within 7 days, however as we all volunteer to be part of the club, it may take longer... If you have not received your membership pack drop hvr6 (helen) a quick message These do go out 2nd class - not sure how long Royal Mail take to deliver 2nd class items
  8. hopefully you would have had a few emails now from this thread!
  9. you can track a thread that someone else has started... or you can tick the box when you create a thread and be notified of a reply... If you wish to be notified by email when a reply is posted to your thread please tick the box [ ] By default it is ticked...
  10. 9/10 its a grinder job, but if you canot remove that section, and assuming you cannot get a dremmel or smaller tool in there, i'm afraid you will probably have to drop the exhaust system down more, or access from underside from a ramp... only other thing you could try doing is using plenty of Rost Off (leave to soak in for a few days, keep applying...) and then hammer a smaller socket on there to attempt to remove... Probably easier to drop the system so you can get to it easier, but you risk knackering more bolts! Good luck! Pete
  11. Hi there. This has been covered many times, using the search box would have returned the following threads: http://www.vr6oc.com/search.php?t=forum&r=0&q=torque+sequence&s=Answer Cheers Pete
  12. Cheers matey! It's so close to being finished... Had it running at the weekend, all seems be heading in the right direction, ABS now works, temp guage now working, noticed aux pump wasn't working but was simple enough job to replace the fuse in the fan control module unit, also no flashing coolant light! Glad it was just as silly as the wrong plug plugged in lol... Light as the end of the tunnel now though whoop
  13. Feel free to knock up a true representation of a VR bottom and and turn it into a logo guys
  14. We merged dub chat and general malarkey together don, it's now called vr6oc hangout
  15. performed a few optimisations with the login menu in regards to detecting if you have an unread message which triggers the alert... should now reduce the amount of DB queries currently looking into adding some notifications of when your premium membeship is due to be renewed... Pete
  16. Horah. I finally can see the pics lol
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