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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. jog on pal! haha. kidding... that was me. I've checked his PM's and hes cleared out his inbox, but I can see 2 messages in his outbox to a couple of members on here about some wings... nothing to suggest a transaction has taken place though! although it may have done... he wont be able to get onto his account anymore as his user and any known email addresses have been banned from the site.
  2. Currently a member of this forum: http://vr6oc.com/user.php?id.13848 last active Friday 30 September 2011 - 13:03:41 Luckily, due to the restrictions in place, he did not have access to the Market Place to post scam adverts... no other posting activity has been seen due to the the measures we have put in place. not to say that someone may have received bogus PM's off him, if so, please let us know... hopefully he has not scammed anyone from here! Thanks. Pete
  3. Just been advised of the below scammer whos been doing the rounds on the other VW forums... denisstrack@aol.com His real name is Paul Woodward This is his known address 33 Cedardale Park Widnes Cheshire WA8 3JU This is his known telephone number Tel/fax 0151-424-3782 These are the guys dealing with his case: Cheshire Police Customer Service 0845 458 0000, ask for PC 4234 White These are the details when he wants payment name: paul woodward bank: lloyds TSB account number: 39x41x6x sortcode: x7-5x-1x I've removed portions of the account details... Just to let you guys know.... keep an ey
  4. Yep. I'm lead to believe. Well mine were diff on the corrado so swapped em.
  5. Lambda, coil pack. Imob box + key coil. Be prepaired to do imob delete if you find start blocked by imob message.. You will need cabin to engine loom, engine harness and MAF deffo worth going obd2 mate
  6. I so would pay you come sort my rust spots!!
  7. you should have a look at my mk2 build thread floating around on here somewhere....
  8. Not as easy as it sounds doing the rack either, sure I had to drop my subframe on the mk3 to do it properly.... unless they spent longer doing it the hard way... Also rounded off the union on my power steering pump in the pump before, naimly because I was being lazy and taking the front off the car... from what i recall, it was tricky to get too with radiator / front end in place. but as long as they are sorting it, all good...
  9. Is your wheel bearing ok? Strange to ask but sometimes if it's on it's way out it messes up the alignment of the sensor and abs ring
  10. Nah you don't. I ran 15" with 312's.. You just need the right wheels I ran mk3 master cylinder on my mk2 when I did my conversion, also my mk3 wide track, fuel tank and exhaust
  11. Could be your poss blue temp sensor.. assuming your letting it get upto temp on the first start... how long are you leaving it to run and turn off? humming noise is normal if you have OBD2, theres a little stepper motor in there
  12. sure its not coming from your oil cooler, directly above your oil filter housing...
  13. Moving on from our "What did you do to your VR6 today" thread, I thought I would start another one for when things go wrong Pete
  14. Sounds as well as mine did when I started it up on Friday after it ain't ran for months lol
  15. im just getting a jetex for my corrado next year, only one i like the look of ! im still half tempted to weld my standard corado tailpipe to the backbox through... i love the look of the standard exhaust..
  16. all this talk of ribs is making me hungry.... but yep, deffo shouldnt be rubbing. its quite easy to miss a rib, double check from under side of the car...
  17. I suspect he means the gearbox speed sensor?
  18. http://www.palmerperformance.com/products/dashcommand/index.php
  19. There's a few for iPhone.. http://www.palmerperformance.com/products/dashcommand/index.php is best, stay clear of the cheap Bluetooth dongles for android... My mate showed me his in his civic and the lag was horrific on the 'real time' ECU data..
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