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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Adaptation didnt work, so the ECU is off to stealth tomorrow... managed to identify the not arming / disarming issue as a low battery in my fob as my other one works fine... still not sorted the full closure, although i do hear the central locking pump sometimes make noises so tomorrow i'll part open my sunroof and try it... if the sunroof closes and the door doesnt then it narrows down to the central locking side of things.... if the sunroof doesnt close then its more alarm / wiring side of things is my thinking - does it sound like a logical approach? Cheers Pete
  2. yup, hard lines are not bad to replace... I had to replace 3 on the corrado, luckily there's a guy on the corrado forum with the templates and made som replacement ones in the VW green steele, so if you can get yours off, take em to a garage they should be able to make you some up off the templates if you want to replace your hard lines too... If you just replace the flexi's be prepaired to round off some of the unions I had 3 round off one my corrado, probably worth ordering new spings too from AVS as mine snapped....
  3. no. just the flexi's the goodridge set will replace....
  4. Well, its been a funny old weekend.... First of all on Friday I received a phone call saying the 3.68 FD gearbox had been stolen, so that was that out the window this weekend, which in hind sight was good as the work to do the OBD2 upgrade was under estimated... Here's a tip for anyone who turns their OBD1 corrado to OBD2.... get the imob delete done!! As I had all the imobiliser bits, it should have 'just worked' famous last words.... We had issues with the imobiliser kicking in... almost text book... This arrived Friday, lovely bit of kit for those who dont have one, well worth getting (chee
  5. Just a quick note that Euro Car Parts are offering 25% discount online with the below code; WINTER25 Enjoy! Pete
  6. How do Dave, no mate, didnt do it myself, but all youd need is a G60 gearbox. or im sure stealth racing may have some knocking around the workshop.... it may be available from VW still.... I've had all new seals / bearing and had the naff diff pins replaced for nuts and bolts, i recall that in my last gearbox the shite diff pins had let go and put a hole in the box ! doh yeah john, this weekend is going to be the last big weekend, got DanH and Tony coming up, gearbox to go on, all my OBD2 upgrade (Ecu, loom, lambda, maf, manifold, TB etc...) so it should be sweet as a nut after! Not sure if
  7. Not very often your going to be doing more than 140MPH to be fair, but as jum says, you will loose a little on the top end and fuel economy.. depends what you want, and if your on the motorway alot... I travelled 80 miles a day in my mk3 / mk2 when it was my daily... translated to £20 a day in fuel... but no matter what route you go down, your MPG will be affected
  8. reallly? I never knew that!! I'm glad we all still remind him of that! lol
  9. I think the first 10 - 15 seconds of this video demonstates the accaleration of a 3.6FD gearbox... The black VR6 is craigs oldVR... about 212BHP with a scrick... if memory serves me right... mine was 218BHP at the time, with a scrick and 3.68FD... this was from a near enough standing start.... video speaks for it's self
  10. Exactly why you should ge ta 3.68 FD, brings all the gears closer, the VR lump is no longer lazy, and acceleration is insaine its not all about extra BHP, its how it is delivered to those black bits of rubber on the road...
  11. 3.68 Final Drive before anything else
  12. Love all my apple products. Best money can buy!!
  13. Yup they are different mate. Serpentine belt is used for water pump, PAS, alternator and air - con if you have it, all operated under one belt off the crank... As the tensioner pulley pretty much takes care of the tension it's self there's nothing to adjust so you'd have replace the belt...
  14. Yup, not difficult. Im doing mine next weekend on the corrado!!
  15. fit the new alternator and see if that fixes it....
  16. there is no per user setting im afraid. its set globally across the site, so would just recommend sticking to what has been suggested
  17. first thing I thought of would have been the aux water pump
  18. Try clearing cookies mate and marking all posts as read on the site
  19. head gasket replacement.... how do you know the HG wont go on the new engine in X miles time? At least if you get the HG replaced on your current engine, you know where you are... Personally, might be worth dropping Tony a message on here, im sure he will quote you happy for the work... Pete
  20. Your best convering from auto to a manual gearbox using a VR6 gearbox... if you want to twiddle with gear ratios, then 3.68 crown wheel is what you need from a G60... I beleive there are a few threads on here if you search for convering auto to manual...
  21. 17978 Engine Code blocked by immobilizer I presume your car doesnt start at the moment?
  22. 00281 vehicle speed sensor is normal if you ran VAG-COM with the engine not running...
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