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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. I will be changing the mobile version of the site soon, there are better ones now available
  2. I think im tired I dont understand? could you pelase spell it out in big letters with pictures? dont ask.... bad few days at work lol
  3. Id be interested when I'm no longer scared of driving it
  4. Looking good mate but thought I'd logged on E38 with all this gap / stance talk Can't wait see it in the flesh
  5. I've seen these on eBay. I bought myself when I did my engine rebuild. Was useful to have around but no where near enough bolts for a complete replacement. I've just got stainless or new bolts from VW as I've gone along doing jobs...
  6. It is a good platform, I loved my Mk2 golf.... but the build quality of the corrado is alot more noticable over the mk2!! I've only got to look at a peice of interior trim for it to break.... Dont, worry I'll be OBDII in no time, so will be right up there with your late mk3 boys
  7. why why why tony Corrado's are by far the best VR6 there is the build quality... oh err wait, I see what you are saying still lovely cars once they are restored
  8. Sorry guys for doing the job properly and saving another corrado from the scrap heap After driving my punto for 3 years with no VR6 in my life I'm going to be scared shitless, I'm sure with the 3.68FD will make it a beast along with the few other tricks onboard It's the finer details that makes it in my opion.... alot of the parts are original, and over time are showing their age!! winter is an ideal time to sort all this lark out now most of the bigger jobs are done.... apart from the final stint next month.... should hopefully be almost ready to MOT in time for March! if anyone wants to
  9. ahhh, i dont see many data plans without unlimited internet these days
  10. imessage is great, loads of my friends have iphones, ipads etc... and it integrates seemlessley into the messages.app.. saved my self loads already in this respect not sure why you would want to turn it off, as if the recipient doesnt have an iphone with iOS 5.0 it will just automatically send as an SMS... if it fails to deliver the imessage, it auto re-sends as an SMS too. yep, ive configured my push notification sounds, incoming / outcomign email tones etc....
  11. Cheers mate looking forward tomtaking her for a spin! Did aerial base seal last night
  12. 3200 relate to load on apples servers... keep trying custom ring tones / text tones / email tones etc... are all part of ios 5... you can make them yourself too as no doubt preiviously done
  13. just done my iPhone 4, seems fab. took 3 hours all in all!!! as I updated my mac too.... still got my iPad 2 to do
  14. We have schemes set up with a number of insurance companies on here, but your age may be an issue.. I'm in the process of setting up a scheme with Performance Direct at the moment, details to be announced to premium members sooon
  15. Cheers... looking forward to the 12th / 13th of November ) OBD2 stuff going on 3.68 FD gearbox being fitted and a few odd jobs to do!!!
  16. I dont think a chip would suffice, you really need to get it remapped on a rolling road before any long term damage is caused...
  17. it uses a mixture of water and fine grain material to leave a nice finish... if you look at my previous photos my pulley and inlet manifold have been vapour blasted
  18. small update Had lower manifold back from vapour blasters! Just awaiting cam cover and some other brackets .... Took off a load of brackets, bonnet stay and radiator cover, currently heading to the shot blasters followed by powder coating hopefully should look a bit fresher!!
  19. what browser are you using? I will check its working still
  20. Personally if your a VRT I'd upgrade to ODB2.
  21. wowsers!! thats BAD! and it's a NOVA??
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