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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. Cheers guys It's been a long road, especially with kids, operations, work and the club but its all these comments that push me me forward! The end is near! hopefully after October it will simply be ready to MOT, tax, insure in spring next year, and in the mean time I can do some nice to have bits.... Still want a set of 263 schimmel cams (which should be good with the 2.68 FD), blue silicon hoses and a new radiator, but plenty of time for those if anyone wants to come and give us a hand at the end of october, it would be apreciated got loads to do (as always)!!
  2. Your timing chains are the other side of the engine than where your hearing the noise. Supercharger noise could still be a worn bearing on tensioner or alternator. Easy to check pulley, just screw the bolt in on the tensioner and try and turn the tensioner pulley. If your chains need doing they have a very distintive sound just above tick over like ball bearings hitting a metal surface
  3. VR6Pete


    I'm going for schimmel 263's!
  4. Also, try and upgrade to the latest version of firefox
  5. Seems ok here mate? What browser you using? Have you tried clearing your cache?
  6. Why don't you disconnect both hoses going into the matrix, get a hose pipe in 1 of the pipes see if water does circulate through? I could just be an air lock perhaps?
  7. Good luck organising this. We attempted to do one the weekend of the royal wedding and we simply couldn't get the numbers if it goes ahead icmight come and watch
  8. In itching get it on the road! Even more so with my other bits and bobs that will be fitted before then. Just takes time make sure things are right first time!
  9. In itching get it on the road! Even more so with my other bits and bobs that will be fitted before then. Just takes time make sure things are right first time!
  10. Hiya. The oil is just your rocker cover gasket. Half hour job to do that. The ticking could be the tensioner pulley bearing. If it's ticking you would probably feel it by touch too, but also could be alternator bearing, sounds like you need to have a good listen in that area
  11. Well , I've not updated this in a while, but rest assured I've been working away on lots of things I have since sold the Brock B2's and have purchased these babies: Just refurbbed, still in the bubble wrap now sitting in the boot of the car until I'm ready to swap the tyres from my current BBS ones! Another area of concern was the fuel tank straps rusting away to nothing, so I have had a set fabricated as these have been obsolete for a while now As you can see, the quality on these are awesome! I'm currently awaiting the mount back from the fabricators in stainless as these are obsolete
  12. If you can just pop your paypal receipt details to shop@vr6oc.com our shop manager will progress this for you. Apologies for any inconvenience.
  13. Was it through the club online shop or premium membership?
  14. Hammerite will do the job just fine
  15. Just bought 4 roles from Audi today! Cloth tape, part number 000 979 950 about £5.80 per roll
  16. maybe, have you checked your serpentine belt too?
  17. Pretty sure newer tensioner bolts have a spring in them too and don't just rely on hydraulic pressure. That would probably explain why the last one you demoed sprung back so quickly?
  18. VR6Pete

    No Joy

    When it's Playing up just unplug it. If it runs exactly the same, it's a good indication that it's that, if it runs worse / stalls upon unplugging it then it's usually an indication it's doing something... MAF faults are not picked up by vagcom either. I had an intermittent running fault with my mk2 vr6 (obd2) one minute it would red line happily then start running like a dog, misfiring, no power etc.. Upon closer inspection I noticed a little bit of the element had partly snapped off! Can pick 2nd ones for about 20 quid
  19. VR6Pete

    No Joy

    Sure its not the MAF?
  20. Haha. Loving the tape bodge. We should do a 'bodge of the week'
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