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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. I'm away on a short break that weekend
  2. Anyone interested? One last show hit before the end of the year?
  3. I've just read on facebook the following on VW Action FB page. "I just spoke to Simon from Show & Glow (very nice chap) and we will both ensure that his event and GTI Festival won't clash next year - which is nice." It had the makings of an awesome day with the weather, but lacked atmosphere which is a shame, I love this show. My daughters were gutted the jet car didn't run...
  4. hi mate, just go into more reply options and use the paperclip attachment icon
  5. Is that the bit of road where there's massive chunks taken out the surface from other cars smashing it not far from sandapod? Gets me every time! Thanks for everyone's support today! Was a great show!
  6. Pics mate? I'm looking to upgrade some components in my corrado as I have no bass.
  7. I might be up for meeting at tesco at 9? Probably setting off at just before 7 am
  8. I'm still going, it's sunny up in Stoke and looking like a better day tomorrow. Santapod always has its own climate anyway. Other weekend it rained heavy all the way there until 2 miles away then it was dry! On another note, exhaust sorted, brake lights fixed and now time to clean it
  9. I best finish sorting my corrado out today! Exhaust Is off and it's filthy lol. Who's looking forward to this? Should be a good one! Still 3 spaces left by the way so it's not too late if you are still in 2 minds
  10. for some reason the post didn't have a title... ive set one for you now, but feel free to change it. http://www.vr6oc.com/forum/topic/45279-reluctant-sale-of-my-favourite-car-ever/
  11. Looking good guys! Who is up for this event? Still some places left :)
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