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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. It was ok, but a shadow of what it used to be, I was generally happy with the show last year apart from the uneven surface which resulted in my front splitter coming off within 2 minutes of arriving and the venue was very run down. Pete
  2. always good to hear positive feedback from members keep them coming.
  3. Sorry Vince, too late I'm afraid, there's not been any real interest from people. Maybe people just don't like this show anymore as its moved location or just isn't popular anymore
  4. Hi mate, don't think there is currently - fancy setting up a meet in your area ? You can use our members map to see where people are to gauge interest
  5. It doesn't matter if it looks standard or not mate everyone is welcome at our meets and events
  6. It's a lot easier on the golf than the Corrado. Literally plug and play for you. Ended up making a new loom out of both the golf and Corrado for mine but looks totally OEM now Club Chairman
  7. It's a whole new engine build in the end lol. Not had the bill yet so don't know yet lol Club Chairman
  8. Sorry guys, doesn't look like there's enough interest to warrant us organising a display for this one Club Chairman
  9. Heard a few folk having issues, there is a "knack" Club Chairman
  10. So who's into football and watching works cup? Loved holland vs Spain! What a goal by RVP but the big game is starting in 40 mins time!! Bring it Club Chairman
  11. Remember when I did mine on my mk3, they literally fell out so didn't take long to do lol.
  12. You should do leak down test / compression test to determine if you have any internal issues. Engine rebuilds not cheap Club Chairman
  13. Hi guys. Time to sort definitive lists! If you would like to be on the stand, please PM me your postal addresses to send out passes, if you've already purchased tickets, let me know so I can contact organisers to update your pass. Club Chairman
  14. Ahh yes. Sounds right that now you've jogged my mind
  15. Hah indeed. It originally went in for head but the block is pretty terminal after 120k Got cams and 3.68 FD already so just after a good stock engine so I have options to boost it later down the line, I'd love to have had wossner pistons again but just can't afford at the moment Club Chairman
  16. Haha. You have a point Club Chairman
  17. Vince is a top bloke. Stealth are building me a new head and block, had other engines built in the past and highly recommended. Club Chairman
  18. do schimmel sell valves? Personally I'd stick to what I know best. Mines at stealth having a fresh head being built, not sure what valves they are using Club Chairman
  19. You shouldn't usually, I had a fresh engine build which probably helped built at stealth, also had wossner pistons for good measure lol. Theory of lowering compression still remains. Club Chairman
  20. Here's my new block. Just had a 2.8 AAA bored to 2.9 for my Corrado. Club Chairman
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