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Eat this

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Everything posted by Eat this

  1. the car has the best sound in the world ever.. it pulls...and pulls...and pulls.... but im sure you all know this.....lol buy a decat pipe and an exaust !amazed !amazed !amazed welcome to the best engine noise this side of aston martin (and i genuinly mean that only alfa romeo v6s get close imo)
  2. the reason i didnt put it in jokes is theyr true afaik lol
  3. Are you having a bad day? Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burned-out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers, and face mask. A postmortem test revealed that the man died not from burns, but from massive internal injuries. Dental records provided a positive identification. Investigators then set about to determine how a fully clothed diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire. It was revealed that on the day of the fire, the man went divi
  4. theres about 300 small differences wel be here hours hehe
  5. i never use the front page im linked to the forum
  6. pete this website needs a search function lol
  7. when i said go through the lights i didnt mean literally!!
  8. ROFPMSL !lol quality thats a new 1 on me i answered as & bs mainly !shy
  9. schrick vgi does make a huge mid range torque difference it just doesnt keep it up ver 4k revs hance little bhp gain
  10. afaik yes if ur logbook says its a highline then it is
  11. i think jaysvr6 has leather recaros in the front
  12. 300bhp + nitros in a fwd open diff car holy shit thats gonna be getting throught tyres quick lol
  13. what have u done to strengthen the gearbox spefically the diff pins 1 other question where did u get the cams and how much were they?
  14. chains very rarely break the tensioner wears away to nothing with makes the chain slack which causes it to jump teeth on a cam then crunch the valves hit the pistons
  15. y would n/a vrs need tc over 50 mph iv only spun the wheels in 3rd once uphill at 50 ish in the rain with the schrick lol
  16. i think earlier vr6 had a kind of tc not sure if its any good or not though afaik it only worked upto 20 odd mph too
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