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Eat this

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Everything posted by Eat this

  1. not afaik sry mate have you tried connecting 12v to the motor directly?
  2. not afaik sry mate have you tried connecting 12v to the motor directly?
  3. woohoo got the homehub sorted so the nat settings are open (forza 2) so no need to arse around with the linksys anymore
  4. im ready to throw it through the goddamn window iv bought a linksys router to replace the homehub iv got a seperate bt router so i connected it to that i set the pc up so the network seems to be fine but can i shit use the internet or xbox live etc xbox says dns failed i reconected the homehub and that works i then connected the router to the homehub (thats how it is now) if i connect to the homehub network it works but if i connect to the linksys it does fook all the instructions just give me a headache the network seems fine but the router cant connect to the internet
  5. my rev limiter is raised to 6u800 it does 70 in 2nd and 105 in 3rd on the clock
  6. best in what way? ie looks or weight strength corrosion resistent etc
  7. sorry mate heres the link (sort of) http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=016&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=260145110278&rd=1
  8. has anybody fitted bearings in a v9 charger themselvs? is it a straight forward job or a pain in the arse? iv found a place that does the uprated ceramic bearings for about £200 all in apparantly its rated to 20 psi and 65k rpm!!!!!! thats quite nippy lol
  9. expect mid 20s overall if you do alot of town driving low 30s on mway iv had a genuine 46mpg out of mine and that was with the charger hehe
  10. 2.7 aint THAT big or are you gettin mixed up with the 4.2l tt v8 rs6?
  11. the v9 will run 20 psi the reason it wont go higher is at that rpm the turbine goes supersonic wrecking 5the airflow!!!!!!
  12. uk rado box is the same as the golf apart from the shift weight which wont fit
  13. 60-100 is a touch quicker but the cossie kills the vr 0-60 purely due to 4wd
  14. mines gets unbearable if its been sat in the sun all day (black car black leather) but tbh its fine whilst driving in normal weather and the aircon solves the problem when its red hot
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