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Eat this

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Everything posted by Eat this

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUuhbFbBElA&NR=1 its completely nuts aint it lol
  2. tuned doesnt neceserally mean worse mpg it depends how you drive it
  3. 230 mile to go got it booked in saturday for the oil change then il go full throttle to 5k rpm on sat 6k rpm on sunday 7k monday then th full 7300 on tuesday then if nothings fell off lol its fair game :)
  4. whats stopping somebody buying it and swapping everything to another shell?
  5. muppit lol hes up for a darwin award this year i take it?
  6. yeh 320 hp was/is perfectly useable you just need to show a little respect for it thats all ps as tony says good power in a light car (the vr is light) = lots of stunned fast car owners lol
  7. my favs so far top 2 were on holiday the 1st pic the wind generators were approx 1 mile offshore i used a 70-300 lens with an apsc nikon d90 and cropped it some more the jetcar was with a d70 and the kit 18-55 lens
  8. i like the way you about things kev you ignore common perception and find out for yourself i try to do the same but i always seem to looked upon as an idiot
  9. iv got it on pc and the server system is absolutely crap u literally spend more time trying to connect to games than playing and when yu do get in alot of the time the lag is game breaking
  10. the tyres were 195 cheap crap lol and it was probably down on power at that time due to the 4 mo exhaust 14.8 was my best on the day i ran 14.6 best in the vr before the charger lol
  11. kinda yeh although it still goes plenty qwell enough on less than 1/2 throttle and 4k rpm max lol
  12. weathers foul here atm did this little vid heres what it sounds like at less than 1/2 throttle and off boost you can just about hear the charger and the diverter valve in the vid its far more pronounced in the flesh
  13. civic type r engine is a popular conversion i beleive
  14. c30 -94 i THINK pete i cant afford £5 a week for thai boxin theres no chance of me paying £15 for premium membership lol what time do you get in from work?
  15. i gave it a little more throttle tonight still less than 50% and took it to just under 4k rpm. ooooo it sounds nice you can really hear the charger spooling faster you can also hear the dv more a very nice tsch noise lol. it also feels like its gonna absolutely fly at wot yes mate you deffo get a go in it lol
  16. yeh been around for a while 1 easy way to stop it reverse into the space i always do
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