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Eat this

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Everything posted by Eat this

  1. have you rtried diffrent gears is it just 1st gear?
  2. iv been offered a set of toyo r888 (i think thats the name) are these shit hot for grip? i know they dont last at all but id love a set for santa pod anybody got any experiance wuith them?
  3. it lets the water circulate through the rad at 75 instead of 90 degrees its a newspeed (i think) only about £15
  4. whats length is the serpentine belt for a vr with aircon?
  5. mine used to sit at 90 but with the lower temp thermostat in it sits at 75 and goes upto 90 in traffic it has a knock on effect on the oil which sits at low 70s when cruising now
  6. yes it would mate then when the small turbop runs out of puff the supercharger takes over sounds like a plan
  7. a turbo has no effect on how fast the supercharger spins as its entirely down to engine speed
  8. lol i think the same lupo just challenged me his 0-60 and 1/4 mile times made me raise an eyebrow then i saw his interior and all became clear lol iv lost 3 losing another and just started with the lupo wheress my wooden spoon lol
  9. iv just got through a set of front tyres on 4k miles lol eek and alot of other expressions spring to mind
  10. its a very addictive place lol 15.6 was my 1st run too lol
  11. a few little vids of my charged vr6 iv got 2 passengers and belt slip power atm is about 270 bhp these were done on a private road this is 30mph to just under 140 its got plenty left i just didnt fancy it hehe http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v178/eatthis/?action=view&current=30-138.flv i did 3 0-65 mph ish runs (the speedo lags in 2nd gear ) i have to baby it in 1st gear due to the open diff lol heres the first http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v178/eatthis/?action=view&current=0-651.flv and the 2nd http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v178/eatthis/?action=view&current=0-652.
  12. 185@ the wheels is a dam good figure mate fwd tranny loss is roughly 18% buut it doeas vary the tranny loss figure the rr gave you is straight out wrong 5% is crap mate lol 18% gives 218 bhp
  13. aquamist isnt essential nor is the oil cooler but both are redcomended i have 12 psi with aquamist and want a cooler
  14. pumas r a quantam leap above the punto. puntios are made from old crisp packets they really are that bad
  15. as above it turns a rough diamond into a genuinly rapid car
  16. its great fun beating scoobys
  17. this is funny and scary at the same time
  18. all engines need a good clearout every now and then never driving it hard is as bad as ragging it everywhere ps your a big jess
  19. this is probably my favourite (tints are a bit dark for my taste) paintwork looks like you could swim in it
  20. hehe personally id expect vw to stay pretty much as they are iwe mass market with the possible removal of the r32 etc
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