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Eat this

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Everything posted by Eat this

  1. if you launched it properly then probably yeah mate you can feel when it cuts the power because it cuts it dead
  2. i know the r32 cats are longer than the 4 mo so if you get an r32 cat back itl be short. im not sure if you can fit r32 cats to a 4 mo though and iv no idea if the backbox is a straight swap
  3. I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart. FOR EXAMPLE: One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, 'I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me.' I said, 'WHAT??!! What was that?!' So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear... 'You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me
  4. you mean aopart from really piss me off? its basically traction control (its 4wd ffs!!!!!) and a very interfering stability system that uses the brakes on each wheel to stop you from spinning the car. what it does in reality is makes it understeer horrifically and sometimes unbalnces the car right in the middle of a bend NICE in short its the button i press when i start the car lol
  5. your not fixed 4wd you can turn it anywhere between full fwd to 50/50 split
  6. the links dead but if its the 1 i think it is id love 1 but cant afford it
  7. 1 thats the mk5 2 it doesnt lock the rear diff (standerd diff is open too) the controller iv got atm leaves the rear diff engaged for a few seconds under braking and it isnt scary at all i dont know if the stock controller has a temp cut off though
  8. yes thats right... postage to UK is 35 EUR how much units you like?? SQS Racing s.r.o. Ing. Petr Cimburek www.sqsracing.com www.sqsracing.cz www.racinggears.eu sqs@sqsracing.com Adress: Karlovska 141 Liberec 460 10 Czech Republic mob: 00420 775 033 543 tel: 00420 48 48 49 501 fax: 00420 48 48 49 502 Skype: petr.cimburek (Czech Republic) john napsal(a): hi i own a mk4 golf v6 4 motion and im interested in the mhrb controller. am i correct in thinking you can set the car to permenant 4wd? ie on throttle AND under braking? would it 50/50 split? how much is it including postage to the uk? woul
  9. ps heres a vid of the mk4 when it was stock
  10. the cool evening air will see you into the 14`s i disagree imho track temperature/condition is far more important than air temp iv only done a dozen or so night runs but every 1 i did there was absolutely sod all traction. inversly my best times have always been when its red hot even though i know my old vr lost some power in the heat due to no i/c
  11. mhrb sound exactly the right thing for me by the looks of it its simply a potentiometer to manually set the haldex diff on off or anywhere in between i THINK itl leave the rear diff engaged under braking to making it permanent 4wd if you want it the mhrb disconnects the rear diff if yu pull the handbrake http://www.sqsracing.com/files/fs_files/productdetails/406/assembly-manual-mhr-mhrb_47.pdf
  12. i found a couple of 1/4 mile vids it was effecctively a completely stock r32 at that point apart from a more restrictive exhaust best guess it was around 225-230 hp this is against a good freind of mine with his 330 hp scoob (hes since sold that and now has a twin turbo v8 rs6 with 450 hp) i just let it sit just off the limiter nailed the throttle and slid my foot off the side of the clutch lol
  13. hmmm it qall depends where it gets its information from if its stand alone sensors then hell yeah BUT if it reads it all from the ecu then its not gonna know intake temp boost etc is it?
  14. i got this reply but im not sure what it mens exactly Hi John Unfortunately the software configuration on the unit is only suitable for the 1.8T & 4 cylinder TDi cars and is not compatible with the 6 cylinder models surely there must be some common ground with the 4 and 6 pot engines
  15. i noticed that to iv no idea but it doesnt look like its a leak
  16. yeh got your txts mate give him some stick from me lol they owe me £400 and theyr immaculate if you make me a sensible offer im sure we could sort it
  17. lol any time dan they were fitted to a mk3 with 225/35 tyres and he said he didnt have any issues there were no chunks out of the tyres either hows my old baby btw? iv just built this car on forza and it hits the rev limiter at the ring doin 187 mph!!!!
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