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Eat this

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Everything posted by Eat this

  1. bhp is irelevant torque is what stresses transmision and stock should cope with it
  2. hehe the vr is actually very good as far as torque steer is concerned imo
  3. oil pumps do cause probs as do water pumps i think
  4. lol carl ur small enough for it not too matter hehe
  5. kilokila is good because 1 he knows what hes doing 2 he bends over backwards to make sure ur happy 3 (most important imo and a huge reason i dont like dealers) hes an enthusiast and when u give him the keys u know hel look after ur pride and joy
  6. maybe not need but its VERY recomended
  7. i have 268 cams from america and all is fine so far
  8. yup i deffo want a turbo somewhere down the line
  9. igonore every number exept rms thats the real power
  10. and the good times are akin to sex, few and very rare with the excuse that it makes it all the more pleasurable mine must be a slag then hehe
  11. mine works on all settings except off obviuosly lol
  12. id say so but i know a man who knows for sure
  13. or ditch the cat get a full system and scare barryboys to death lol
  14. i think it plugs into where the sparkplugs go then remove all the leads and crank the engine
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