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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. I've been to Stealth on a number of occasions and have posted my thoughts many times. Vince is a great bloke and if you want to know what he is doing to your car he will talk you through everything he is doing step by step. My only beef with him is that (in my experience) he's a very 'Hit a nail with a sledge hammer' type of guy. Firstly I had my Z Engineering Surpercharger mapped with no MAF and it only produced 200bhp!!! and that was with a brand new 2.9 rebuild!! His excuse was that the timing was out! Before I had the charger fitted I was waisting brand new Golf GTi's!! Needless to say, i
  2. I would send it off mate Mine's a 'Gates Power Grip' one.
  3. Excellent work mate. May be bringing mine down over christmas, we'll have to get together.
  4. No mate, it seems like you have things set up correctly. The single toothed belt you have connects the idle pulley to the compressor wheel, I used to have as dual belts, they were not good to be honest, this is nothing to do with your belt slipping noise. The long belt (seprentine belt), wrapped around the side of your engine and connected to the other side of your charger pulley will be the one that is slipping. If you have been spraying it with copius amounts of WD40, you may have contaminated it so badly, it will just slip all the time no matter how much you tighten it. I'd remove yours and
  5. How long has it been squeeking for? My serpentine belt (the big long one) was ever so slightly too slack and it was squealing every now and then, in particular under a heavy boot of the throttle. Again, if I sprayed WD40 on it, it would stop for a bit. I have just had a new Single belt put on my charger as I was running dual belts and I really didn't like the idea of them. It now runs sweet as fella, and because the majority of the wine comes from the ribbed charger belt it's now even louder!!! It sounds awesome! One thing to bare in mind is to not over tighten the serpentine belt as you will
  6. OBD2 is much more tuneable though. Fueling and mapping is much easier to adjust and responds better. Thats what I was told by Vince anyway.
  7. Yes mate, I do have a MAF. I haven't got a clue if it is running lean tbh. It just sounds like it's popping off the limiter when infact it does it around 4.5k. It just seems to have all the signatures of a fueling issue. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the lambda, as it was obviously removed and put back in the new exhaust - fault code maybe?
  8. OK guys, the saga continues with my tuning mission!! After travelling 250miles from Leeds to Colchester last weekend to visit Mark, pick up a Milltek and six branch from him and have it fitted, my car is now not running properly. If I boot the old girl when it's quite hot, it's like it's missfiring but not, if you know what I mean? I get a kind of intermittent baaabaaabaaaa flatspot thing going on above 4,500rpm - max rpm. Thing is, it doesn't always do it. When it just gets up to full running temp, and I floor it it runs like hell high ho!!! Which kind of backs up what Steal-th said. I've spo
  9. I hope you haven't left it in too bad an area in Plymouth like Swilly! Seriously, you should have towed it home mate. Is it missfiring before it stops, or does it just die?
  10. There are plenty of comments - for and against the manifolds on charged cars. I agree with the NA tuned issues but gains can be had with a charger in the mix. I'm adding a full Milltek stainless decat on Saturday and will be bolting on the manifold soon after. My car made 260bhp with a standard manifold and exhaust with a crappy back box. Next RR I'll let you know if it makes a difference.
  11. Tell me you didn't flog it with those rims!
  12. I reckon all this could be linked. Double check with who installed your clutch fella.
  13. Not put some pics of the old girl up for a while. I have some more carbon to come and part of old Oaky will be being donated to me in the next couple of weeks with it's straight through Milltek with decat and stainless manifold, as since I have had my charger fitted I have managed to destroy my exhaust and cat internals! More serious flameage please...!!
  14. Top VR fella. It keeps popping up everywhere!!
  15. - 10% if I'm right. Oh and don't forget half of you are running different diameter wheels with all kinds of tyre sizes. Before I had mine re-built and charged I could only get 138mph on the Road Angel and I was hitting the limiter the speedo was reading 150-ishmph. Not tried it since. But 155 in a standard VR is impossible.
  16. My parents live on the corner of Greenbank Avenue and Sailsbury Road. I'm not sure how long you may have been living there but when I was living at home (some six years ago now!!) I owned a few RST's and used to have quite a few nutter friends who congrigated outside the house! May see you about if i'm down some time
  17. I remember seeing that Mk2 driving around. I used to live in Plymouth a few years ago. My parents still live there. Looking at those pictures i'd hazzard a guess you live around St.Judes/Lipson area no? I may bring the VR down over christmas, shame you can't spit the odd flame down Royal Parade anymore!! Ah the old RST days! You may have seem my mate driving around a bit - Lairy Yellow Evo FQ340. Car looks cool fella may see you about.
  18. I'm no mechanic mate, but I've never heard of this problem with a VR engine before. It just sounds like a bit of a stab in the dark tbh, I may be wrong though mate. Be interested to know the results.
  19. jaysVR6


    No it wont. Unlees your car's running like a bag of shtie because of a screwed head and in that case, you'll have standard power again!
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