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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. I paid £1250 for my ZR2. I bought it of some scrote who lives in Ipswich!! Fitted (with a little help from Tom telling us all what to do!) and completely reconditioned and chromed. Excellent charger in my opinion, shame it doesn't produce more boost, but nice and safe in my opinion and sound far better than a V
  2. After a good booting when it's damp and cool my bonnet steams like a kettle!
  3. Can't see how mine will do 0-60 in 5.3 sec with only 260bhp :s
  4. jaysVR6


    It's really not going to make that much difference. All my pipe work fromt the charger is stainless, I have alot of polished bits under my bay. Including the inlet manifold. The worst thing you can do is put a stainless manifold on and not wrap it, then I would say underbonnet temp goes through the roof. I've seen 800hp Syklines bubble paint on the bonnet!
  5. I'm forgetting the age of our cars now!
  6. Running in is for bottom end reasons and not top end. You'll be fine. I've replaced two heads, one in an RST and had my head rebuilt before I had my whole engine rebuilt, you don't need to run in a cylinder head. If the cams need bedding in you wont damage anything im sure of it.
  7. As I said, no ones been bidding on the piece of shit, so he's been bidding it up himself.
  8. It appears that the seller is bidding up his own item using a different ebay I.D. He replied to my message saying 'Cheers Thanks'. lol!
  9. jaysVR6

    2.9 vr6

    Now I'm questioning myself!! I can't remember now, it may have been 1000!! Ah well
  10. jaysVR6

    2.9 vr6

    You wont really see much of an increase mate. I had mine done at the begining of the year and replaced the pistons with forged ones. I never had it rolling roaded before the charger was fitted. Unfortunately you wont get in it and think 'jesus christ this is quick' as number one you'll have to drive it around for 600 miles running it in and two, if you have an OBD 1 it wont have the same inlet manifold as a Corrado, only OBD 2 cars carry the same slightly larger inlet manifold and larger diameter throttle body etc. Sounds wicked though!!
  11. I saw it at Santa Pod, it was being cleaned with a Burberry t-shirt and a couple of chavs with their shell suit bottoms tucked into their socks. NO JOKE!!
  12. 'You are a numptey aren't you?!! How the hell can you describe a standard VR6, and it may as well be with the penny pinching modifications you have had done to the engine (not a Highline I might add) as having 243bhp??!!!! I own a Supercharged VR6 (non Highline and not afraid to admit it!) with a 2.9 full rebuild with forged pistons and it only makes 260bhp. Your VR6 will only just be making 175bhp if you are very, very, very lucky. Yet another dreaming ebayer, who clearly hasn't got a clue about the car they own and even less of a clue of how to spell!!!' DICK HEAD
  13. When I spoke to Vince I asked him about the most reliable set up so far as boost goes he said the 8psi Vortech set up was about the limit on a stock engine. Admiteddly it will probably run ok with water injection but without I would aire on the side of caution without.
  14. You don't need to touch the fuel pump mate. If you go to Stealth for a remap Vince will fit a 4 bar one as a matter of course. Water injection will help with the charge temperature and will allow a little more timing. Just bolt the fecker on and get it mapped. I have exactly the same charger as you and it comes with a 6psi pulley, you wont need any modifications appart from the mapping to get it running correctly. Expect no more than 250hp if you have no extra modifications. I'm running a 2.9 with forged pistons, 6psi Z-charger, thats it. Power is 260bhp. Damn I need water injection and a Mill
  15. Oh come on fella. The system wouldn't be around if it ruined your engine! The air filter for my charger is where the carbon cannister used to sit! As long as I don't drive through a 6ft deep puddle then I'm sure it'll be fine!
  16. What you finding funny Jay??? Ok Mr defensive, I was actually laughing at the original post and the fact that some people want to waste their money on such insignificant modifications. Fair play if they want to do that but I just find the idea of adding water injection to a normally aspirated car pointless.
  17. Do port come direct injected with combustion pressure lower using a twin or single turbo?
  18. Your car needs the MAF plugged in to measure the airflow into the engine correctly. With it unplugged the ECU's only option will be to measure the already combusted air/fuel mixture via the lambda probe. When your car is cold it will be vastly overfueling anyway as the engine need the extra fuel to burn because of the cold start combustion temperature. As the engine gets hotter the car needs less fuel to burn to make it run correctly. Therefore in the morning when the car is cold your car will run reasonably well due to it overfueling, but when it's warm the car is still overfueling and runnin
  19. Be nice to see what you decide to go with, good luck with it!
  20. Nice figures there fella. Those cams do seem to push the power upwards and sacrifice a bit of torque. 18 more hp than me, same torque figures though
  21. If you're going to spend 3k on R32 parts and then all the hasstle fitting and fabricating things for it i'd deffo go Turbo on your VR6 instead. You may see 3k as a reachable figure but unless you own a garage I'd add at least another 2k ontop of your figure just to get the project finished and running properly. It's not going to be a case of just throw the R32 engine in and it'll run!!! Thing is, what ever you do to a FWD car the power is nigh on unusable around 400hp and above. If you had a syncro I may say different. I don't know of one MK3 R32 and there may just be a reason for that!
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