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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. Glad you took my advice mate, I hope you're happy with it!! It is the one with arch damage isn't it?
  2. I'm sorry mate, but why bother?!! It's going to cost you a fortune!! Surely for all the expense and hassle you're better off buying an R32 no? TWICE the car a VR6 will ever be. For all the expence you're better off going 1.8t and getting a GT28RS turbo, 350bhp easy, and half the cost!
  3. I disagree there mate, I'm sure he's turned off the ignition since the remap! You need to unplug the battery then it'll reset. You'll probably loose all your programmed Radio stations though!!!
  4. Don't tell her fella I kept mine VERY quiet!! "The whining dear? Oh thats just the power steering pump!!!"
  5. VR6TURBO isn't coming now guys he's managed to pop his bottom end (AGAIN!!!!)
  6. WTF HAS HE DONE WITH THAT TELLY?!!! Jesus christ some people need lobotomising!! Unfortunately VRs are now getting alot more affordable to the masses and I think we are going to get more and more destroyed ones popping up now. I had an interesting conversation with Vince when I was there the other day and he said exactly the same thing. The thing is they spend all there money on CRAP cosmetics and the things run like shit.
  7. I know what I'd do with $80,000!!! And it wouldn't involve a VW!!!
  8. They do blow up on OBD1s fella. Alot of people just by-pass them.
  9. I should be there fellas. Bit of a trek for me though
  10. He seems to have a habit of blaming problem on someone else setting up the timing wrong! It was bizarre. One of Vince's final comments was 'I guess we'll never know if the timing was out will we?!!' I thought, why say that? I saw the engine taken to bits in front of me and was shown how it was set up! I know exactly how he must of felt though. A whole extra 5 hours of rolling road and remaping and not getting a penny for it, I would be so annoyed if it was me! But the guy deserves his credit and I appreciate all his hard work. The problem with running with the MAF on a charged car is somethi
  11. Well, FINALLY I have now got my car running properly, after a rediculus drive to Stealth which usually takes 2 hours and in fact took me 4! For those of you who don't know much about my car, I had the engine rebuilt and rebored to 2.9 with forged pistons 6 months ago. Then a friends charger came up for sale for mates rates and I couldn't resist! I went straight to Stealth for a (MAFLESS this bit is important) remap and the car only managed 200bhp!!! Vince told me that the timing was out and to go and see the guy who built it!! (I was not happy!!) After the MAP my car was running like a bag o
  12. jaysVR6

    3l vr

    Don't do it mate. They don't last very long as the bore is too close to the water jackets. Unless you fancy rebuilding your bottom end every 12k and buying a new block. You could 2.9 and use a stroker kit, VERY expensive and seeing as you want to use 2nd hand pistons may be a little out of your price range.
  13. Mate, I'm not being funny but you need to ask yourself why it has a screwed piston. Pistons don't destroy themselves on there own. All, I can say is be careful, the problem may come back and bit you in the ass! You'll need to have a good look around for 2nd hand pistons, they don't come up very often.
  14. I think you,ve got three options in a case like this and it all boils down to chash and what you want to do with the car at the end of the day. When my rings went I had already had the head completely rebuilt so I didn't really have a choice. But seeing as you know the bottom end is on it's blessed way out you could: 1. Just replace the rings and flog the car asap! 2. Rip the whole engine out and get a second hand unit (get a warrantee!) This would be the cheapest way to do it if you're working on a tight budget and want to keep the car. 3. (the way I did it, but not the cheapest!) Have the en
  15. Deffo head gasket fella also, get the head off, have it skimmed and crack tested.
  16. For £350+ VAT you can get a custom remap anyway mate.
  17. John, if you're gonna do it, do it properly mate. If you try to rebuild an old engine on the cheap it will go wrong and then you'll end up shelling out a load of money to do it again and in effect spending twice what you would have spent doing it properly. Trust me mate i've done it!
  18. I will add my opinion on Vince again on Friday as i'm off down there on Thursday. Some people will remember my scenario with my last trip to Stealth and him asking me what I had done to the engine, on telling him i'd had it rebuilt his words were 'lets hope the timing isn't out' after a run, low and behold, he said it was out! He then said: 'You can leave it hear and collect it at the weekend, i'll do your timing if you like, it's £200 to drop the box off if it's intermediate shaft timing'. Yea right!! After hassle beyond belief and me spending my birthday driving all over the chuffing countr
  19. Oh mate, I bet you get annoyed with them after a while! That will take forever to get a mirror finnish all over those bad boys! I bought a Frost mop kit and did my old A3 rims, and they had flat faces on them. It's a great kit for doing things like inlets and rocker covers but intricate stuff like that will take alot more than £10 in your own time! A decent Frost mop kit is around £40 from what I can remember. Good luck mate
  20. I met a guy at the VW Festival who had a VR cab and apparentley it kept cracking windscreens, have you had any problems?
  21. Poor things are starting to get on a bit now fella. I reckon most people will start to incurr some billage around about now, when you consider the last of the VRs are now 9-10 years old!
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