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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. Thats normal for motorway driving mate - maybe a tad high but no issues there fella.
  2. Hi John, long time no speak! Was talking to James at JBS last week when I was having the R remapped. He mentioned you were after some more boost. I've seen quite a few V9's running 12psi but they always seem to develop belt slip, have you not considered going Rotrex, better still, turbo with all those internal mods? I guess you'll know James has recently performed a turbo upgrade on a MK4 R32, running 650hp with no management lights!
  3. Poor bloke's not been back!
  4. To be fair mate, going from 2.8 to 2.9 will give you hardly any power increase but maybe a little more torque. I had my old VR rebored to 2.9 with forged pistons and ran it NA for a while before it was charged and the gains were negligible.
  5. Boras are a great platform for a sweet subtle ride to mod, good start with the rims. However not diggin the home made led's i'm afraid.
  6. Pah, they're pants and they smell. After I had the engine rebuilt on my old VR, I put one on, the old girl showed her disapproval by spitting it off! So I fitted one of these:
  7. No gains on a standard car to be honest - just more noise and grief when it's MOT time!
  8. Chips that come with chargers are notoriously troublesome, they are generic and do not compensate for the cars individual state of tune. IMO they are crap and nothing beats the flexibility of a custom map.
  9. Be under no illusions buddy, screwing around with a car that didn't come from the factory with a supercharger is no cheap hobby. Some people are lucky, some run into trouble throughout the cars life. You'll get nowhere throwing money at it. Whats a trip down south going to cost you in the long run? You know what i'd do, I'd give Vince a ring, tell him your situation and email him the graphs, you can then work out a plan. He's very personable and will help you out. That way you can work things out sensibly, with someone who is an expert in their field, rather than chucking money down the drain
  10. The fueling (3rd Graph) is dropping right off at the point the Power and Torque curves dip my friend. The only way is to have the car mapped correctly, there are no fast and easy solutions im afraid, carry on as you are and you're risking damaging something, end of story. Oh and your gonna need bigger injectors running 8.5psi, no doubt about it, along with water injection, the car will detonate badly without any further cooling at that sort of boost. Go and see Vince or another recommended tuner local to you who has experience tuning supercharged VR6's, they will perform the job correctly and
  11. 4 bar should be enough to be honest. If the engine isn't asking for the extra fuel in the map, simply putting on an adjustable fpr wont solve anything imo.
  12. Now that would be a mod!!!! Sorry couldn't resist it!!
  13. Is it a stage one or two ZR2? If it's a stage two it should have larger injectors anyway. As for the leaning out at high rpm it will do that to some extent anyway but the dip you see in the fueling at 5,500rpm looks quite a lot imo. When I had mine mapped at Stealth, Vince told me that it was leaning out slightly and the odd flash up to max rpm would do it no harm, however driving it round a 6000 rpm would kill it (common sense really!!). Your map looks pretty smooth low down to be fair. But looking at the fueling it's way down (and consistent on both runs) at 5,500rpm when it should be bangi
  14. What charger are you using and do you know how much boost it's producing? With those sorts of figures it looks like a Z charger to me if it's producing around 250hp, no? I reckon that sort of dip your seeing at the top of the graph will be a mapping issue imo. To be fair I've seen much worse graphs than that. My old charged VR was running a Z Engineering charger and because you're running standard injectors they are running near on 100% at full throttle to give the engine the fuel it needs. If I'm correct in thinking you're running a Z engineering charger with 6psi, if you swap the injectors t
  15. Money would of been better spent valeting the thing by the looks of it.
  16. I'm afraid I think it's a pointless mod imo
  17. Anyone wanna see what happens if you give a new Corsa a good spankin? http://www.hot-pixel.co.uk/corsa_abuse/
  18. I'm unsure if it is fella. I had a ZR2 but ever took off the pulley. I suppose it could be possible, but your biggest problem will be locating a grooved pulley. I even looked at trying to get a different pulley for mine but they are like gold dust and machining it was too risky.
  19. Hi there mate, i've had a lot of experience with Z chargers on a VR6's. Your correct in saying the Z doesn't require a dump valve, complete waste of time and does nothing, even on most supercharged cars, it's a little pointless tbh, unless you're running megga boost. As for the stuttering issues, are you running it with or without the MAF connected? Can you also tell me if you've positioned the MAF before or after the Charger? What year is your VR, is it an OBD1 or 2? I may be able to help you come to some kind of solution.
  20. Why is it when people say, the engine is new so the mileage is Irrelavant? Jees, the whole of the rest of the car has covered the miles not just the engine! Same old story, someones waisted their money on a car that will never give them a return - ridiculous.
  21. Urrrm No, that took all of 1 millisecond to decide!! lol
  22. The Skyline is no design icon and if you've ever sat in one, you'll agree its like sitting in an old Datsun!! Poor materials with equally poor build quality. Same with the Supra and even the design of the new Lancer looks like a boring old 4 door family bus. Humm I know, let's put spoilers all over it and turn it into a rally car!! I must admit though, the new GTR looks a little more promising!!
  23. Certainly wont be leaving the R anywhere put it that way!!
  24. Far better and cheaper painting a VR6 yellow no? Then you'll have a yellow VR6 not one car made from two, which is always going to be difficult to sell and insure, clocks will be the least of your worries!
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