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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. Don't DIY your arches mate. Mind you, saying that, you have plastic arches! Sorry! If you hadn't, I'd deffo say get someone to do it professionally as old paint cracks if you are not carefull. You'll need to buy a tool that bolts onto your hub and it rolls arount your arch lip gradually as you twist it up, there is one for sale on ebay at the mo.
  2. I'm so glad that company has gone bust! I cannot believe someone has gone to the trouble of putting silicone hosing on that thing and could not resist attacking the engine bay with a paint brush!
  3. Type a little slower as well fella. I'm getting slighty confused with the grammar! (or lack of it!)
  4. Check ya rear bearings mate. It's more lightly to be what you played with mate, not something new.
  5. Hey Claire, happy new year to you too. It was a convenience thing at the time. Now its a major ball ache!!!! x)
  6. Yea, deffo a buzzing electrical noise. I know the water pump noise and it's not that. Hummm very interesting boring thread from me!!! You learn something new every day!
  7. Happy new year guys... Having owned my car for over 2 years now I've only just noticed a very faint buzzer noise under the bonnet when the ignition lights are on and the engine is not running. Don't think its anything to do with the alarm or is it? P.S Cars off back down to Plymouth on the 13th for the head re-inspection. Hope it gets sorted!
  8. Be careful with piston and ring sizes as I've been reading 'blow by' on overbored VRs is common if not done properly. Big money for decent forged pistons mate!
  9. I think, It'll be something to do with the head i'm afraid dude. Check your water, oil level, milky residue in the header tank etc. If you've put the car under more stress than it's used too it may have popped the gasket. Ahhh, we all love a good head problem! (NOT!!) P.S You wouldn't have just damaged the valve stem seals or guides (check my ongoing problem thread), they go over a period of time.
  10. Oil level light is there for a reason fella. Although it should never be used! You should be fine. As long as you didn't thrash the hell out of it wilst it was low.
  11. Well guys, I'm going to approch him when he opens up on the 3rd of Jan. I'm in Plymouth now (VR tucked up in my Garage with some medicine!) but don't really want to go and pester him on the xmas holidays. I'll give him the opportunity to put it right and I may suggest sending the head off to Stealth, as Vince said he would do it PROPERLY!! MERRY CHUFFING CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL!
  12. This bit on the premium member download concerns me: Cylinders 1, 3, and 5 have short intake runners and long exhaust runners while cylinders 2, 4, and 6 have long intake runners and short exhaust runners. If the guides are wrong or have been installed wrong, well, I have my answer.
  13. As you know I have an ongoing issue with some work I've had done on my head and some interesting facts have arrisen in the last couple of days I'd like to share with you all. Initally I had my head recon'd with new guides ect because of overrun smoking. (and thats all it was smoking). I picked up the car 3 weeks ago and it ran like a dream, no smoke at all and even stayed with a V6 Clio on the M1! A couple of days later I noticed a follower getting noisey and then it started smoking again and also smoking like fuck when I booted it. Alarm bells started ringing and I thought oh shite its my rin
  14. I've now been told it could be bore glaze. As after I drive the car on a long run, say from Leeds to Plymouth, it runs like a dream around town, no smoke at all, then after a good 50-60 miles or so it starts to smoke again, any sugesstions?
  15. I've had all of the work possibe done on my head I could. New valves, guides and stem seals (so I'm told!). Perhaps it wasn't done properly, now I'm starting to worry !sad
  16. Dude, have you got any idea how much a 3.2 litre TSR bottom end is?!!! !amazed I'd buy one if I could afford one, and a charger!!
  17. I haven't had the rings done yet. As I said, I've had all the head done but it's still smoking and I can only assume it is the rings.
  18. Any idea how much I should be paying for new rings plus fitting? As some of you already know, I've just had my head re-con'd and it hasn't fixed the smoking problem at all. Infact, I think it's aggrovated it, don't ask me how! If I nail the hell out of it i'm getting smoke around 5-6,000 rpm (and quite a bit of it). I'm also still getting smoke throttling on off the over-run and I can only put it down to ring ware. (Fuckin' crazy, I'll never go out and buy a low mileage car at a premium again!) I've had a compression test and all seemed fine but I can only assume its oil rings. The guy who did
  19. jaysVR6


    The useage of oil is no different than usual. The smoking is very wierd. I've nipped into the office to do some painting and the car didn't do it today. I just cant figure it out. Surley if an oil control ring had gone it would smoke under normal acceleration wouldn't it?
  20. jaysVR6


    I had the whole head looked at and recon'd. Can I make it clear that it only smokes after long overrun. Even if I red line it, it's fine.
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