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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. jaysVR6


    Ok, so I'm driving to work this morning and for the first time this week since I've got the car back I come to the dredded hill my car smokes at the bottom of. So, I think, here we go, test time, I overrun it all the way down in 4/3rd, put my foot down at the bottom a hey fuckin ho a barbque has started in my exhaust!! What the fuck is going on here guys, I also had a ring test on all 6 at DTC (diesel left on top) no leakage. I'm gonna leave it a few weeks and let it coke up a bit, but what the hell could it be? The cars running like a dream now but burning oil is not what it did when it left
  2. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://img.stern.de/_content/52/56/525610/VW-SCIROCCO-V-750_750.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stern.de/sport-motor/autowelt/erlkoenige/volkswagen/:Erlk%25F6nige-VW-Scirocco-Volks-Racer/525610.html&h=515&w=750&sz=65&tbnid=of_7BVVjF9gJ:&tbnh=96&tbnw=140&hl=en&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3DVW%2BScirocco%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG
  3. Jesus mate - I'm used to tight deadlines but really!!! I would do it for you but the studio is jam packed at the moment and my free time stays free (thats if I ever get any, ever again!!). Sorry fella
  4. I'm gonna have to pop down me thinks guys. Sanky and Pete, I'll be in touch with regards to a little drive down together if you like. I'm a happy bunny now
  5. Well guys, after a 5hr trip back from Plymouth to Leeds yesterday I can safely say that the
  6. And on the aniversary of his winning title, I reckon he was holding out till then. A top guy and well worth the respect.
  7. Some of you may have seen my post a while back saying I saw Richard Burns at Castle Combe back in August in a very bad way. Some of you may also know that sadly the former World Rally Champion's fight against a brain tumour came to an end this weekend. I just wanted to pay tribute to a real driving legend. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/world_rally/4472642.stm
  8. Where's the crying smiley?
  9. Oh guys, I feel all warm inside now! I wish my business partner felt the same way as us. All he sees is a car that drinks fuel all the time and has cost me alot of dosh. We've agreed that the business will stand
  10. Well guys my VR has been in a friends garage back home in Plymouth for the last week and a half for some work, I've had the head off because of overun smoking and sure enough it was exhaust guides and stem seals. I was also told, given 6 months my head gasket would have popped. Originally I was quoted around 500 notes but the bill has risen, partly to do with me. I've had: New Guides New Valves New Stem Seals New Head Gasket and bolts etc. Oil, filter, Anti Freeze New strut tops for MOT (my choice) Inlet manifold, throttle body and rocker cover mirror polished, properly! And
  11. Here's my first motor after the motoring bug bit me hard. I bought this Series 1 RST for near 3k and spent near 5k on it. I had the whole thing re-painted and spent a load on the motor. Top end flowed etc. T3 Garrett with 360
  12. In order of cost: Pagani Zonda Original Shelby 427 Cobra (if I needed to die quickly!) Ferrari F430 Audi RS4 Mk4 R32 Escort Cosworth
  13. Mate, I really think you need to get your head looked at again. As I mentioned to you before, I'm having mine recon'd and the head came off on tuesday. Basically my exhaust guides were worn along with the stem seals, causing it to smoke on the overun. The mechanic was of the opinion that (and I quote): "Every low mileage VR I see in here has screwed guides and seals" Apparently the plugs on 1 and 6 were oily and he could see exactly where the oil was coming from. He also said that if I had left it another 6 months the head gasket would have gone as well. So I'm happy I'm having it all done. I'
  14. Polar Coordinates in Phtoshop filters. Under distort menu me thinks!
  15. And look like real sheds when they are dirty! Can you ltell the difference from a Sapphire and a Gear?! hehehe
  16. Warren, will it not be steamy if water is getting into a combustion chamber no matter if it is normally asperated or not?
  17. Well, I guessed that seeing as all the bits are going to be off and i've had a ally rocker cover kicking around for a few months, why the hell not! Esprits are shite they use Renault 21 gearboxes!
  18. Question no1 - I'm getting guides, stem seals and tensioner done for roughly around
  19. I was speaking to the mechanic thats doing my head today and he told me that it will overfuel slightly because of the K&N air filter. (wont if it's been remapped with it I suppose) More air - ecu thinks more fuel and will bung in more. I didn't ask him too endulge further as it doesn't do it very often/harly ever. But you can bet if you have an after market cone filter and you overun your car down a hill, dont touch the throttle and come to a stop at the bottom and blip the throttle it will kick out some soot as it will have over fueled because of the excess air mixture. I'm just working t
  20. Yo fella, I've just sent mine in for guides and stem seals. Running rich will produce black soot like smoke form your exhaust, burning oil will produce grey/blue smoke and white will be water vapour (usually head gasket). I'm no expert but I've usually found all these signals are as I've described. I must admit, I fookin hope it's stem seals or/and guides else I will be very pissed off!!!!!! Hopefully I shall find out tomorrow!
  21. How's this for an idea? You know crims that get tagged and let out of prison or are served a tag for affence, well.. Perhaps cosistent repeat offenders could be tagged with a system that stops them driving a car, like a transponder and the reciever can be installed into your alarm or a new car, any knob that fancies stealing a car or wants to carry on driving has yet another hurdle to get over when on probation or let out with a tag. I know this may not work on older cars but the reciever bolted onto an existing alarm may work. I dunno thinking out loud really??!!
  22. Damp chamois, wet bucket and sponge will do it every time in my boot! And it's always damp as I clean far too much!!!!
  23. Try cleaning your throttle body, I have had this problem intermittentley (only on two occasions) and it's stopped. I've had a word with a mechanic at a local dealer and the throttle bodies get carbonised with age and need cleaning after a while. This is only a guess and I hope it works as I want to stop it happening to. Same symptoms as you, loads of induction no revs and then after a couple of mins she's on song again, it's deffo not mechanical mate if it was it wouildn't run properly full stop.
  24. Dude mine did that todat for a while and it's stopped now. It did it once last year and hasn't done it since. Really wierd I know. I would appreciate some help on this one as well. I'm sure it's just something that needs a clean in the Airflow sensor or something but I'm not sure as I've never needed to worry about it!
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