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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. It was on a Jeremy Clarkson programme. I remember he got a few drivers together and they thrashed a load of cars around a track and needless to say it came last from what I can remember. It was up against cars twice the price and performance though!!
  2. I own my own Graphic Design Agency. Been going for a year now and I guess you'll all know it's going ok when I get my RS4!!!!
  3. How many people would have said exacly the same thing about the Mk3 VR6 when it came out I wonder? 'Looks no different than a GTi??' But when it comes to owning one and noticing all the subtle differences (and the huge ones!!) it knock socks off the GTI. I dare say its the same with the new R32. Even so, I still think I prefer the MK4 R32 for looks, no doubt it's not as good as the new one but for looks alone i'd still go for the MK4.
  4. Cheers Warren, I'll have to look into this one. I may be able to save some serious cash!
  5. Dude, you will find that you have to put oil in it every couple of months or so. They do use oil, I've been told this by so many people. They are big old engines and hate being driven around town all the time, a 2.8 loves the open road hence all the high milers around, they just get all coked up. I do find that when I do the rare trip from home (Leeds) to my parents in Plymouth it runs amazingly for a good month then she starts moaning again!! I'm seriously thinking of getting my hands on a ported and polished head (exchange from TSR 800 notes) may not be worth it and just getting it recon'd.
  6. Funny you should all be talikg about this guys as I'm just about to get my stem seals done. My VR's only just clocked 63k and am led to believe that it was only driven short distances in the past and never had time to warm up properly. Its smoking after a run down hill in 3rd or 4th when you put your food down (even pulling away at lights after a run down a hill it does it). I get no smoke when I just boot it normally (even really hard), It doesn't smoke when I start it in the mornings or any other time. Thing is, I've been told valve stem seals are a head off job, whats this about doing it wi
  7. How the Feck have they worked that out?? Total loss my arse, or have you bent a chassis leg or something??? Insurance companies piss me off big time.
  8. Jon, I had both rear arches rolled and rust sorted. Bottom of driver side door rust sorted, front grill painted, front and rear bumpers painted (with air scoops painted) cost me
  9. Lucky boy! Got my 60k service next weekand it's going to a main dealer, certianly won't be scrimping on that. Business friend is a partner of a Skoda franchise. I can assure you, the decision on the bumpers was not taken lightly as I spent 800 notes on bits of paint finnishing off the car at the same time. No corners cut on this VR I can assure you! hehe
  10. Deffo cheap is sometimes cheerful. But if you know what you're looking at, the molding is good, it's strong and fits well, why pay over well over 100 notes plus paint for one bumper, when you can get a new front and rear bumper prep'd (very well I might add) for 75 quid? Now I can tell you for a fact that the next person that buys my car will never in a million years tell they aren't genuine and in any kind of heavy accident, it's not gonna be the strength of the bumpers that keep me alive, it's going to be the strong German structure of the car! Plus if any of my body work gets the slightest
  11. As dubloke says: http://www.def1nitive.com/santa_pic.jpg Non Genuine bumpers supplied by himself, job done, can't tell the difference.
  12. Nice work Pete, no longer in the rusty club!!
  13. I'm all for it. Was watching the news this morning and I still can't believe that a wopping 47p goes straight in the TAX mans pocket. Listened to two people trying to justify the fuel costs and it was embarrasing!!
  14. Apparently next Wednesday is when farmers and freight drivers are up for a ruck again at fuel depots. I feel tension mounting withing the haulage industry and it wont take long before something snaps again. I don't think the public can do much to effect fuel prices but when sectors who rely on the roads for their livelyhood are (excuse the pun) 'driven' to a loss due to the high price of fuel, the last resort is to pickett at source. We can then all follow suit if it is what is wanted by the mass public. Thoughts anyone...?
  15. I helped set up a boycot in Plymouth the first time around. It was a bloody nightmare but it must have helped towards the whole boycot in the end. Its really surprising me how people are not kicking off so much this time, but then I suppose the 'Hike' is due to natural circumstances, I dunno, it all seems crazy to me. I may start pushing my car to work!!!
  16. Hope everyone had a wicked time at E38 and the 'Chicken' was good!! Thought I'd kick off a new thread with fuel prices around the country, saw my first
  17. I knew you'd do it. Speal to ya tomorrow fella
  18. I have fitted a drivers side window regulator twice and it's a fookin nightmare!!! I bought my VR with the offside window not working and the guy said oh you just need a new motor (little did I know!!!) after 2 new regulators and a motor later my window has been working for the last 12 months!! God i'm a good mechanic!!!! NOT!! (PM me for any advice mate, i've even fitted one accidently with the motor in backwards so up is down and down is up!! Bloody nightmare!!)
  19. You are fookin mental mate, but know whats best all the same!!!! Welcome back
  20. Ummm, guys, did no-one take any notice of a thread a while back about boasting and admiting of illegal speeds you have done on public roads? I know that on that occation the person who was involved (in an incident with the Police anyway) was shopped about what was posted, but come on lets all calm down and think BEFORE we post. I'm sure forums are randomly scanned (by god knows who) but best be safe than sorry eh?
  21. Good luck fella and enjoy. Not that quick in my experience though I have a little play with a green frog eye one on the way to work sometimes, he's either a shite driver or its very slow and all it has is a big pipe and a dump valve cos it sounds good. They are quick and handle 10 times better than a VR, I'm sure Collin Mcrae would agree!
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