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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. Try pouring some boiling water over it in the morning, when the car is cold. It should expand.
  2. I'm a bit concerned its just gonna be too much black leather in a black car. Perhaps I'll spray them blue! When I was at MJ interiors he showed me the beautiful re-trims he'd done. I cant understand some people, this one guy had his red VR completely re-trimmed in red leather. It looked lovely but he kept the standard seats in the front. Why spend a grand on a re-trim and not get some shabby Recaros for the front and get them trimmed? I can't wait to get mine in, i'm like a little kid at the moment !amazed
  3. Mark, the mod scene is mad. Its just bloody endless isn't it? Really though, how much do you reckon you can spend on a bloody VR before it becomes pointless? I spent silly money on a RST and never got it back. I suppose modding our cars just makes it more attractive for a purchaser. (as long as its not the shat power route!)
  4. Oh go on then - the pussy comes free! Do you reckon I could sell my current front seats at all, or are they worth nothing? They are mint, only done 57k. Be nice to get some of the money back. My bank balance is in great pain at the moment! I am selling a spanking new in the box Sony Ericsson K700i and G4 Powermac with 15inch Apple TFT monitor as well. Thats how much I need to get the cash back! Anyone interested?
  5. Just bought these babies Gave myself the day off today as had a few things to do and went over to MJ interiors in Bradford. He has done some mint motors and seems bloody good. I need some Recaro sub frames for these seats and MJ has quoted me 200 notes for some! I will have to get some off him if it comes to it but if someone just happens to know of any floating around i've got cash waiting. Also to get my rears re-covered (including headrests) to match 4-500 spondoolics!! Can't quite afford that yet but a few more hours infront of the Mac then I should be able to afford it!
  6. 57 on a P. Now with juicy leather
  7. Depends if your gonna keep your motor for a long time I reckon. I'm gonna change mine every 5k, seeing as its only done 57,000 miles. Only thing is, is I've only done 4,000 since May!
  8. I reckon its gonna be at least 5-10 mph out at that sort of speed. Plus it all depends on what size rims you have! Remember VRs come with 15s. And it all depends on the profile of the tyre, so the diameter of some maybe the same or bigger. So if you've got bigger rims its gonna have a higher top end, yeh? or no? I'll shut up now cos I really haven't got a clue what i'm on about!! I reckon 150's a bit generous though surely.
  9. Oh dear fried ECU, cooked Fuse box, melted coil pack need I go on? (JOKE ) It'll be fine, just connect up the battery again and bump start it. It'll fire.
  10. jaysVR6


    Gonna look into those me thinks. It does say they are full leather, so i'll screw em if they are not. I think they would look the dogs!
  11. jaysVR6


    What about these? Do you reckon they'b be any good? Leather, tilt mechanism and frames (may need slight modifying) And they look like they hug more than RST Recaros. I'll just slap one of thoes Recaro metal badges on them . Job done £480 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=30172&item=7933146981&rd=1
  12. jaysVR6


    So lets get this right. It should cost me about 4-500 quid to get two Recaros Leathered yeh? MJ Interiors don't seem to have a web site. Anyone have the number? I could look in the yellow pages, its only down the road from me
  13. jaysVR6


    Ahhhhhhhh, drrooooooooollll. Those are mint! They would look lovely in mine. I'm not stupid though, you can't hold me to ransom! [ Edited Sat Nov 06 2004, 10:20PM ]
  14. jaysVR6


    Yeh, i've seen them. Bloody expensive. Its a nightmare thing to get sorted. Will your soon to be father in law be a fortune?!! I'm thinking i'd get the back seats covered when I can afford it!
  15. jaysVR6


    Like gold dust!!! I can find some cheap scabby RST Recaros no worries. But what i'm trying to say is that i've managed to get my hands on some half leather Recaros out of a four door. So I was gonna swapp over the half leather to some scabbby recaros out of a 2 door. Get my drift? Either that or sod it and just get some scabby ones leathered new. But if you can name somewhere that'll leather for a decent price, I may just do that.
  16. jaysVR6


    See, thing is, these recaros are half leather out of a 4 door car. What i'm thinking of doing is buying some cheap tatty 2 door recaros out of an RST and swapping over the Leather. They are really cheap but i'm not sure if its worth the hassle. I was quoted £500 to get some covered new! Wotcha reckon?
  17. jaysVR6


    How much do you reckon in Kg does a pair of Recaros weigh? Only I have to get them posted.
  18. jaysVR6


    AAAhhhhh, they look lovely! I'm gonna go black and grey I think. His are different again. Ones i'm looking at have pull out leg rests, like in my old RST. I wonder how much of a bich it is to do?
  19. jaysVR6


    I'm considering getting some Recaros off another car (RST Seats) and getting them covered in leather. But was just wondering if the runners off my seats will fit. Can this be done, or will I have to buy some? If so how much are they?
  20. I'm scared i'm gonna loose power now. Jon, do you reckon I can get them to guarantee that I won't loose power and torque? Cos if I do, I'll want to take it back. Or would I be being stupid?
  21. I haven't asked them that. But I will when I give them a call tomorrow.
  22. OK guys I was gonna post this on the premium member section (please don't move it to the company thread untill peole have had chance to read it) but I felt that everyone should be able to benifit from this. John Chantry had these guys custom make and fit his straight through Stainless and I asked him to put me in touch with them. After writing them a brief email specifying my requirements a guy called Ian from the Leeds branch wrote back with this: Hi James, Many thanks for your enquiry about a Longlife Stainless Steel Exhaust. My name is Iain, I'm the manager at the newly opened Longlife Cent
  23. Just tell her you wound in your actuators slightly to hold more boost. She wont have a clue!
  24. What you need is a Tractor Beam, it seems to work really well for the starship Enterprise on the Romulans. [ Edited Sun Oct 31 2004, 09:25PM ]
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