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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. water and oil ways are all different if I recall correctly.
  2. So lets get this straight, a mate will let you have a charged M3 for half price? Is there something going on behind closed doors between the two of you? I wish I had a friend like that!
  3. An interesting read for you buddy. http://www.prepsparkplugs.com/hydrofact.htm Not trying to scare you but with only around 3 table spoons I wouldn't risk it. When you think about it, it's small amount of water, and the VR loves a good suck!!
  4. To be fair Ingham, my VR is not set up for track use but as a rule, the VR is not renowned for its agile cornering ability. I'd say a Standard Pug 205 1.9 would be a much more effective hillclimbing weapon than a VR6 any day of the week. I.E Or a well driven Westfield Under 1 minute in a road legal car up there is pretty quick, even well set up Westfields are still in the 60's. I just don't see the VR being competitive, it wasn't designed for it and you wont find many in the paddocks of any hill climb events. Good fun though none the less, be a great day out.
  5. Agreed, awesome power with a Revo map. Mark has an Edition 30 and matched with the DSG it's a match performance wise with Millsy's Turbo'd Syncro (albeit on low boost!) a good 300bhp though. I just can't get over how good the DSG is. I even looked at an E46 M3 SMG over Christmas and the salesman had no argument with me when we were discussing semi auto boxes, the DSG wins hands down considering all the bad press SMG has had. I'm struggling to decide over a new R32 or Ed30 with a Map. The whole tunability issue between the two is completely throwing me.
  6. Thats the problem, under steer city and lazyness. I saw a schrick'd up VR at the Harewood hillclimb last year and it was being destroyed by most of the cars there, even a Hillman imp!!!
  7. Go direct to MJ Interiors mate.
  8. They are Recaros fella, bought direct with subframes. To be fair Tom, I didn't really want a load of welding and bits and pieces strapped to the bottom of my seats. The sub frames were not cheap, again direct Recaro items; around £400 from what I can remember. I'm no welder fella and I'm sure someone who knows what they are doing can do a good job. But the frames were an easy, safe solution.
  9. No I bought them as they are. The bolsters also look slightly different to Type R ones.
  10. Found an old pic of my interior. You can kinda see the sub frames. I considered having a play with the plastic base parts from my old seats and attaching them, as I've never been keen having the frames exposed, but i've never got around to it. You get the jist though.
  11. Wondered wtf you were on about then, Set fitting?!!! lol Sub frames are the only way to go in my opinion. When I bought my Recaro Speeds some dick at a (apparently) VW Specialist said he'd weld them to the floor!! I thought jesus thats going to be safe in an accident!! I paid a visit to MJ at MJ Interiors (expensive but one of the best in the country) and he said there are far too many people riding around with dodgy welded seats in cars and I just ended up buying some certified Recaro sub frames that are safety rated. It wouldn't take much to be dead with welded seat frames in an accident (or
  12. It will never be made. Firstly the car's totally impractical, not to mention the cost of production, half the gear inside that thing doesn't work but first and foremost from what I can remember reading and watching reviews about it, it doesn't go around corners at any kind of speed. It is necessary for VW to perform these kind of PR exercises to keep public interest to what they can do. I would say VW have more profitable things to think about like how to cut the cost of producing the Mk6 over the Mk5 Golf, which interestingly has been the most expensive Golf they have ever produced.
  13. Put them on mine a while back (in my sig) and they are a bit of a slut to fit as they are for left hand drive cars (being German!) I found I had to modify the base plate slightly. Beautiful mirrors though, can't work out why some people flat out the embossed logo though seeing as they are cult items
  14. Pete I may know of a cross member if you're still looking for one.
  15. A grand's a grand I'm afraid fella. Sent you an email anyway.
  16. You're never going to find a VR for 5k with interiors like any of those! By the time seats are bought ie: S3 or different Recaros the complete re-trim is close to £1500 that makes an interior alone a costly affair and anyone with a car like that is bound to have other modifications to match the interior. 6k and you can have mine, an interior re-trim is all it needs.
  17. Those covers are fookin tat. The last time I saw an engine dressed in that rubbish it looked like someone had thrown a load of tin cans over the engine and the car was a complete filthy shed. Complete waste of money and lazy imo.
  18. Easy job to do, but not necessary on an NA VR to be honest.
  19. I had exactly the same problem 12 months after I bought mine with 50k on the clock. Worse than yours though, mine developed terrible smoke on the over run. I had the head fully flowed and ported and a leakdown test done to see if I had ring ware; all seemed ok (for 500 miles!!) then it started smoking even worse. The diesel used in the bores on the leakdown test had worked it's way round the rings and washed off all the carbon that had built up over the years of short journeys the previous owner had done and the engine developed horrendous blowby and piston slap. Anyway with engine fully rebui
  20. The impellers seem to seaze after a while. A new pump is about 30 notes from what i can remember. Slightly cheaper than a head gasket!!!
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