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Everything posted by jaysVR6

  1. I've got forged 2.9 Wiseco ones in mine, quiet as a mouse, no slap here baby.
  2. http://www.easier.com/view/News/Motoring/Audi/article-63451.html Passed, but only just, so much torque.
  3. 10ish hours I suppose. Including, interior leather dressing, popping off the manifold and rocker cover for a quick mop off and dressing engine bay. All wheels off for arch, brake and suspension dressing, exhaust polishing and obviously a good polish and wax and other bits and pieces. Never enough hours in a weekend for me. So much easier now the cars off the road during the week though.
  4. Who painted it for you fella? It's got to be someone local. I guess the problem's with the quarter panel? I know it was a difficult decision, but with all that filler, no amount of expert skimming I would of thought, will prevent it from sinking back. Looks good from what I can see at the moment.
  5. Check plugs and leads mate. I'd bank on that first.
  6. I had this exact dilemma when mine popped. I took the 2.9 rebore and upgrade option as the car is mint and I didn't want to place a different engine in it and wanted to keep everything original apart from the capacity! lol
  7. Did you not have this work quoted before you took the car in? I had my whole engine rebuilt and over bored to 2.9 with new forged pistons for that price!!
  8. Seems like a bit of a waste of money buddy tbh. Cut your losses and spend no more money on your CL (which I dare say you have) sell it and buy a VR.
  9. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?97545 Check out the problems I had. Sounds like rings to me buddy.
  10. Aux water pump mate, no question about it. I'd be worried if I didn't hear it gurgling and the motor buzzing!
  11. TSR were very expensive, I don't know what they are like now they have reopened. I reckon you'll be asking for trouble using Alan.
  12. Sounds like the landlady at the Peacock will be a bit nervous!! Best behavior please fellas, the last few times only a hand full of us have turned up she's been a bit twitchy!! Looks like we may have a good turn out to this one
  13. Where abouts in Devon are you buddy? I'm from Plymouth but live in Leeds. Tbh I don't think there is anyone further down from Stealth that has the gear or the knowledge. I'd of said Alan Jefferies in Plymouth but he's a bit of a Jap/Ford guy and I'm not a fan tbh. Some of the Bristol guys may suggest a couple of places, I'll let them tell you as mixed reports yet again!
  14. Ah but with coilovers you can get rim in the arch action!!! lol
  15. Sign of a good Chairman Pete. Respect.
  16. TBH Mr 'Simple' has been bringing up rather old posts in what looks like an attempt in upping his post count for some reason. He's been a member since Monday and Posted 68 times, each of which have been rather irritating to say the least. Sweeping statements like, 'That red MK2 was crap', 'Raceland Manifolds are shit' and pathetic comments to other members are not welcome on a forum, it will wind menbers up who have been around for a long time, and I'm quite frankly getting fed up with it and it has led to me hardly posting. I quite enjoy using this forum and chatting to the people who are lik
  17. jaysVR6


    Depends on how wide they are and how low your running the car. I would bank on needing your arches rolled though. Mine wouldn't fit without rolled arches but they are 8.5's.
  18. No probs, look forward to it. Drive will be clear as Amanda's on a hen weekend
  19. If you fancy popping around to mine before hand mate your more than welcome.
  20. Dude, thats a quick time. Better than I've ever run! lol
  21. Have you got 'Stickers' Mark?
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