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Everything posted by scoobysmiff

  1. Hi philboyvr6 Just had the same thing happen to me! do you know if i can test the ignition switch and how did you find out this was your problem? it turns over but wont fire up, all lights on dash come on ok but i dont have a spark at the HT lead :-(
  2. not many headunits have a cross over on the sub out (most of the higher spec pioneer ones do though) you will find that all it is, is a non fading output ie it don't matter where the balance or front/rear fader is set you will still get the same level of output to the subs. you should have a level adjustment (which effectively adjusts the volume) on it though which will be controlable from the headunit
  3. I got a JL 10 W7 in mine (not in a steath box though) and it's absolutely awesome. you really wouldn't think there was only 1 10 in there! well worth the money. !amazed i been using JL audio for years now and this sub is def the best i ever heard, the accuracy and speed is devastating, just use a good amp!!!!!!!! they just started doing home stuff as well check it out on their web site i bet your impressed. I want a Gotham now but the wife isn't that impressed
  4. i did this too, it's a pain in the arse but if you have quality components (which it sounds like you have) then it's worth doing.
  5. The huge Air Canada Jumbo jet is just coming into Pearson Airport (Toronto) on its final approach. The pilot comes on over the intercom. "This is Capt. Johnson, we're on our final descent into Toronto. I want to thank you for flying with us today and enjoy your stay in Toronto." Well the Capt. forgets to switch off the intercom. The whole plane can now hear the conversation from the cockpit. The co-pilot says to the pilot, "Well skipper, wotcha gonna do in Toronto?" Now all ears in the plan are listening in to this conversation. "Well", says the skipper, "First I'm gonna check into the hotel a
  6. As a young, modern women of the nineties, you no doubt have many questions concerning romance, love, even s..e..x. In this sensitive and frank "question and answer" format, noted sex therapist Dr Rut explains everythiong you've ever wondered about. Q: Where can I find the man of my dreams ? A: This is a difficult question, since every woman probably has a differentideal of what her own personal Prince Charming should act and look like. However, when it comes to finding Mr Right, I can give you a good suggestion on where to start - and that's in a bar. That's right, go to a bar ... preferably t
  7. Hijack a Plane & Win a Council House Good morning and welcome to a brand new edition of ASYLUM. Today’s programme features another chance to take part in our exciting competition: Hijack a Plane and win a Council House! We’ve already given away hundreds of millions of pounds and thousands of dream homes, courtesy of our sponsor, the British Taxpayer. And don’t forget, we’re now the fastest growing game on the planet. Anyone can play, provided they don’t hold a valid British passport. You only need one word of English: ASYLUM. Prizes include all-expenses paid accommodation, cash benefits st
  8. These are genuine excerpts from housing association flat tenants complaining about problems with their properties !! 1) My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has fungus growing in it. 2) He's got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can't take it any more. 3) It's the dogs mess that I find hard to swallow. 4) I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has backfired and burnt my knob off. 5) I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage. 6) And their 18 year old son is continua
  9. The Piano Player A man walks into the poshest restaurant in town and says “Where’s the goddam mother-fucking Manager you cock sucking arse wipe?” The waiter is naturally taken aback and replies “Excuse me sir, but could you please refrain from using that sort of language in here. I’ll get the manager as soon as I can.” The manager comes out and the man says: “ Are you the chicken-fucking manager of this bastard joint?” “Yes sir, I am,” replies the manager, “And I would appreciate it if you would refrain from speaking with such profanities in this restaurant.” “Fuck off!” replies the man, “And
  10. mine shows about 20-22mpg even on long trips it wont do more than 25!!!!!!! tried to race a porsche the other day but i lost when i reached 145mph and could go no more :-( need a charger i think
  11. scoobysmiff

    ha ha

    DAVID Beckham goes shopping, and sees something interesting in the kitchen department of a large department store. "What's that?" he asks. "A Thermos flask," replies the assistant. "What does it do?" asks Becks. The assistant tells him it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. Really impressed, Beckham buys one and takes it along to his next training session. "Here, boys, look at this," Beckham says proudly. "It's a Thermos flask." The lads are impressed. "What does it do?" they ask. "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold," says David. "And what have you got in it?" asks Roy K
  12. A man spots a nice looking girl in a bar so he goes up and starts small talk. Seeing that she didn't back off he asks her name. "Carmen," she replies. That's a nice name," he says warming up the conversation, "Who named you, your mother?" "No, I named myself," she answers. "Oh, that's interesting. Why Carmen?" "Because I like cars, and I like men," she says looking directly into his eyes. "What's your name?" "Beercunt." he replies
  13. Bloody Americans! Subject: Why Americans Should Never Be Allowed To Travel?? The following are actual stories provided by travel agents: I had someone ask for an aisle seat so that their hair wouldn't get messed up by being near the window. I got a call from a woman who wanted to go to Cape Town. I started to explain the length of the flight and the passport information then she interrupted me with, "I'm not trying to make you look stupid, but Cape Town is in Massachusetts." Without trying to make her look like the stupid one, I calmly explained, "Cape Cod is in Massachusetts, Cape Town is in
  14. Hi all, Anyone got any experience in fitting poly bushes? all i want to know really is was it worth the trouble (coz i dont for one minute imagine that its easy to do ) did you notice any improvement in the handling and ride, are they significantly better than normal rubber bushes?
  15. i think it is Sigma? i also think your going to need to make a trip to your local VW stealer to get them to reset it and programme the remote back in
  16. no probs dude, its all character building stuff you know :-)
  17. i got 9 years experience in the ICE industry as well, would deff not say its a myth to keep seperate RCA and power cable runs more like a golden rule i'd say!. it could possibly be one of the amps with a dry joint or something?, earth should be as close as you can get it to the amps as well, wouldnt advise using the little piece of wire on the RCA's for the remote either, even though the current running through it is small its on the same directional path as the signal and there could easily be some bleed across and add to your interference, i've got 0 gauge running down the passenger side of
  18. I'd be chuffed to bits gettin 28-31 mpg, i can only average about 21-23! even on a long run it wont do better than 25, CO is ok as i've had that checked i guess i'm just to heavy on the gas
  19. mmmmm! now not sure what way to go? deffo need new wheels though, std 15's look poo and it dont seem to handle that great either
  20. A man joins a very exclusive nudist colony. On his first day there he takes off his clothes and starts to wander around. A gorgeous petiteblonde walks by, and the man immediately gets an erection. The woman notices his erection, comes over to him and says, "Sir, did you call for me?" The mans replies, "No, what do you mean?" She says, "You must be new here, let me explain. It's a rule here that if you get an erection it implies you called for me." Smiling she leads him to the side of the swimming pool, lies down on a towel, eagerly pulls him to her and happily lets him have his way with her
  21. Suppressor wont kill the problem it will just hide it a bit, maybe! have you run the main power lead on the opposite side to the RCA cable? (this is a must, DONT put them together) Have you used a low quality RCA cable (NOT GOOD), have you got a GOOD earth (bumper mounts not always good as they can be isolated, rear seatbelt mount can be ok)
  22. Alex Ferguson is sat at home watching TV one morning when he receives a > > phone call, > > > > "Hello boss, it's David Beckham" > > > > "Yes David what can i do for you" > > > > "Well boss, posh has gone out and bought me a jigsaw to do. The problem > is > > though none of the pieces fit together, it's impossible" > > > > "Whats it supposed be?" > > > > "The picture on the box is of a chicken, but like i said it's > impossible, > > it's really doing my head in now, if i don't get it finished by Saturday >
  23. i seen them done with the head in situ on different motor, it was done by a specialist and it was a few years ago, have you got any specialist motor engineers near where you live? fingers crossed you might be lucky
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