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Everything posted by shinobi

  1. i got a set of brocks on my vr and the rear outer rims (9.5) are very dull, i tried everything to make them look shiny as they once were, but no joy. Can anyone recommend anything to get the shine back on them or is it a case of refurbishing them, in which case can anyone recommend a good alloy refurbisher in the NW london area
  2. went to yaash motorsport to get a quote on color coding my bumpers and side strips, got a very high quote as they said they need to smooth down the plastic bits so the paint dont flake off, so i was wondering whether color coded CL bumpers would fit a vr? and has anyone tried it?
  3. in dash pioneer dvd/sat nav system its the mutts nutts!!!
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=44253&item=7954298657&rd=1 check these baby's out under £125 quid delivered fockin bargain i tell thee
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