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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. yep 9:20 will be cool. I'm finishing my shopping tomorrow evening.
  2. route planners vary between 17 and 25 mins. All using the same route *-) it's 13 miles and mostly dual carriageway / motorway. Apart from the gbo I can be all packed and rearing to go.
  3. yep. M11 J11. Or straight up the A10 from yours Gav.
  4. Hope it's man flu and you don't get so bad
  5. sounds like mine has been recently. hitting a cats eye while cornering felt like it was going to swap ends. And on concrete roads like it would do the same, going in a straight line! Rear shocks had gone ( failed mot for negligable damping ) and it was just bouncing on the springs. some new coiliees later and she's fine.
  6. that's why I don't trust forecasts anymore. accuweather is saying: chance of rain on friday, few showerrs sat and mostly sunny sunday!
  7. office opens at 10. track is 11. Cambridge is not a good place during the rush, so I'd vote for a little later.
  8. three actually. tony has two! I suggest tony brings the new big one. I've got the big gay bo to go in and maybe the fridge and other luxuries ;-)
  9. you'll only need to try one. The ISV is only on older models' date=' square wing indicators, and the throittle body reset trick on newer ones. being 1995 yours could just about be either. These pictures will help you decide which yours is: http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?106705 I recently picked up a jagermeister flag. Seemed appropriate ;-)
  10. Can't have you missing bug jam. But you really need to get it on VAG-COM. One preliminary thing you can do is to have the ecu reset the throttle body by turning the ignition on and leaving it to do it's thing for 15-20mins.
  11. no worries, thought there was a question. must have been a different event's form.
  12. old faithful was just too much effort to put up completely ;-) Don't forget Santa Pod prohibits glass. Have we asked for extra gazebo space?
  13. I wont rush then. who of the cheshire crew are coming along?
  14. firstly, yes vag-com will work. does it run better or worse if you unplug the maf?
  15. Didn't put her back in the garage as I'm having too much fun using her as a sunshine daily.
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