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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. Starting with some almost instant gratification action shots :-D Sal driving Badoir's VR around: http://www.fotograff.de/Touris20080323_Auto/DSC_4610.html GaVR6in is going to so pleased: http://www.fotograff.de/Touris20080323_Auto/DSC_4611.html HVR6 at the wheel: http://www.fotograff.de/Touris20080323_Auto/DSC_4624.html AndyL hauling me around in the rented MK5 GTI: http://www.fotograff.de/Touris20080323_Auto/DSC_4658.html Cowpatmatt and his brother James at the wheel (LHD) : http://www.fotograff.de/Touris20080323_Auto/DSC_4781.html HVR6 grinning from ear to ear: http://www.fotograff.de/Touris
  2. it was, and in the afternoon it was even dry. Sorry to say it but you missed out. The drive back was just as bad though with repeated snow showers and even a couple of what I would call blizzards. Glad to hear you all got back safe. We weren't so lucky... Martin and Sal are stuck at the start of the M4 as Mart's serpentine belt / tensioner has seized so it's overheating. And CowpatMatt and his brother went there own way, because we where all too slow, and on a detour through Holland got caught doing 130Mph. Car got impounded and they are still there waiting to go to court tomorrow after
  3. no just the 'basic' ones are booked up, last time I looked
  4. STANSTEAD ROAD HERTFORD SG13 7SH? 20mins from here, so I'm good. was looking at leaving home at 3:30 or so anyway.
  5. how much did speedferries do you for?
  6. I'm already booked up and will be out there 10th - 15th july so see you there :-p cool.........
  7. actually it's more like I'd bought this so had to skimp on my tyres. I have packed my old P6000s in case there's any chance of getting on track.
  8. what a bugger. will do. Your missus ain't had it long has she?
  9. Hi, I've been reading on the Ringers forum about the legal need for Winter / All Season tyres in Germany in the weather we are expecting. Having been wholly unable to find anywhere that actually keeps any in stock I did a bit more surfing and found some reassuring advice from the AA about the legal requirements for visiting cars. "Visiting Germany If during the winter months a vehicle becomes stuck because the tyres are unsuitable, drivers are liable to an on the spot fine in Germany (20E). If the vehicle causes an obstruction and aggravation to other traffic, the fine may be doubled. The fin
  10. LOL, I forgot about that benefit as well!
  11. Very pleased to have it back on the Beeb. As above, no ads :-D I always try to watch them live, mainly because of the colourful language. It's not the first time a driver has been a bit upset ;-) Was it Webber who made a similar quote last season?
  12. me too, but I'm going to flex off at 4 to get the car packed.
  13. that's a shame mate. might see you in the summer. TG
  14. Proof in sods law if ever any was needed: first time I checked the weather after organising my surprise and the weather warning has changed from 4 inches of snow to just over an inch with more rain. So next job, get an umbrella and the weather should be sunny all the way.
  15. If things work out as I hope you are not going to believe what I'm going to have in my boot to make the most of any snow
  16. RE: Helmets. In answer to a call from a very, very excited sounding HVR6. In your own car helmets are not required, especially as it won't be the weather for pushing it hard at all. Although, if one person in a car does then all passengers should, or vice versa. If you are lucky enough to get a passenger lap with a Ringer then yes, they normally insist. But again I doubt there'll be too many of them out. I've got a small/medium one which anyone grabbing a lap with AndyL in the TT can borrow and am trying to blag another of an as yet unconfirmed size.
  17. I was just going to say the same thing. But also add the the 'forecast' site can't even get the current weather right *-)
  18. Hiya and welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of VR ownership. Does it look like the gooey object in pics 3 and 4 of this thread http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?162937 ?
  19. You'll have everything you need, according to NigelP, to have power. Apart from, maybe, enough German. But that I can't help with ;-)
  20. Link to info pack PM'd to everyone. Let me know If I've missed ya!
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