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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. One is going to go to Germany so Martin could take custody of it then.
  2. 45E a night for a single, 88E(?) for a twin / double
  3. I'd try TomTom www.tomtom.com or halfrauds ;-)
  4. So, so near now Using the routes posted on the 1st page, the following places make sense for rest / fuel / regrouping stops with post codes and google map links. Le Clerc (Outreau 62230): http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=outreau&sll=50.880727,4.317627&sspn=0.088379,0.226593&ie=UTF8&ll=50.701459,1.607544&spn=0.005545,0.014162&t=h&z=16 Be aware it's possible that only cash sales are available to us due to UK cards not being accepted by the auto-pumps. Texaco Groot-Bijgaarden (Dilbeek 1702): http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en
  5. my 'pick' was a tutti-frutti purple Lupo with full Audi 'fu man chu' beard front and Lambo doors *-)
  6. Looks like they've finished already! A UK road team would only have just finished reading the Sun by now. No offence Jim ;-)
  7. repost http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?219399.post
  8. snap, I'm just going for a play ;-)
  9. Snap! Watched it just after the clip where JC takes the Jag diesel around.
  10. I know Thriplow, my best mate has just moved to fowlmere
  11. that is a good price. I paid a similar price for mine last year without the batteries or charger
  12. You do get what you pay for, so I would say the Technika ones are rubbish. Where as the Cobra ones have all the bells and whistles These 600s are cheaper http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COBRA-MT600-2-WAY-WALKIE-TALKIE-RADIOS-TWIN-PACK-MT-600_W0QQitemZ360026951547QQihZ023QQcategoryZ72405QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  13. yes, but my car will be in the public car park and it makes sense to have the clothing with the club cars.
  14. Pete and I will be coming down the M11 from Cambridge heading for the meeting point at Thurrock.
  15. Hi Brett, where you going to be working? Duxford isn't too far away from me.
  16. good point well made ;-) does your little telly a) work in DE? have a video out? There's a GP Sunday morning. GP in the morning? Best bet is a sky receiver. Maplin have a portable satellite receiver on offer for £80 at the moment. Plug that into your projector and a pair of speakers for a proper ITV-spec broadcast. Being the Malaysian GP' date=' it'll be early but that's good for me as I need to be at rent-racecar.de for 08:00 at the very latest! Cheers, Andy [/quote'] due to start at 8 german time. my back up plan was a DVB receiver. Pete: I have some cobra mt-750 which seemed OK.
  17. damn was this today! I've been busy earning brownie points from my mother. was going to bring the clothing up so it could all be car'd into place at UD
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