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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. there's a list in the VR6OC yellow pages http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/yellowpages/yellowpages.php sign up as a premium member and get up to a 15% discount from some.
  2. Do you know them? did you get the reg? Phone up your local nick and report them for driving off from an accident.
  3. are they going to be any sacrificial cars to use as store rooms?
  4. I think so. It's just been dynoed at 160.
  5. No the 16ver, as it's got heating. Brrrr. The night time forecast is going to have to much much warmer than last night.
  6. see you there then, no fridge this time I'm afraid - doubt we'll need it anyway - as I'm feeling it maybe time to take to the track again.
  7. It did run when it came of the transporter so they couldn't have been important wires. *-) A quick look at some, older, wiring diagrams indicates that injector loom has it's own Earth. Is this good and solid and the chassis location well bonded to the battery?
  8. thegoth


    You might be disappointed, I quote from the description "many thanks clive."
  9. Well the first forecasts are in which have weekend as being dry and 9C and not much colder overnight. So looking promising. Only downer is the wind is going to be strong and coming down the strip, as usual!
  10. I can't take the credit, I stole it from Jezmoz.
  11. Scrap that Jim. In the process of unplugging and plugging things back in a dodgy connection now seems to have fixed itself. I've got ABS for the 'Ring :-D For future reference: there is a supply to the pump all the time the ignition is on and the internal resistance was about 3 ohms.
  12. 18 and a VR6 lump in a MK2 shell, no wonder most insurers wanted to screw you dry with added sand! Looking good. TG
  13. Jim, whilst your under the bonnet could you do me a favour and meter out the electrical supply to the ABS hydraulic pump. Is there 12V there all the time, or only when the brakes are applied, or only if the ABS wants to kick in? Obviously the last one can only be proved by a process of elimination if stationary. Could you also measure the resistance of the motor? I've got a ABS pump error and am hoping it's only the supply. N.
  14. OBD1 or OBD2 mate? If OBD2 than sounds a bit like the immobiliser. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?154664.0#post_154670
  15. Good girl. You know it makes sense. I would ask what changed your mind but I can guess ;-)
  16. KiloKilla previously suggested the vacuum pipe between ECU and intake manifold when mine was playing up. It acts like the VRs MAF in measuring air intake. I've got a spare length if you wan't to try. It's £7 a metre from VW!! I should have your address so I'll post it to you. It's only light.
  17. Yeah, I think they have us mixed up with the MKIVs
  18. From my new Haynes guide: "The sensor unit is screwed into the left hand of the cylinder head on 2.0 litre 16-valve models."
  19. LOL, I'd forgotten all about that. My hands look like I should be on the Simpsons!
  20. I think I've just been out saged by Samson :-p
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