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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. Yep, No 30. Although on my VR it's a different number, but I do have an old Dizzy OBD1 so it's got a completely different ECU.
  2. [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1196857865_2196_FT209178_relays.jpg][/lightbox] A replacement for a 16v was £11. VR6s might be more; supply and demand and all that.
  3. I'm a defo, even if just to see how the GTi stacks up against it's big brother.
  4. Hi Chris, I've just found this article useful: http://www.tiepie.nl/uk/automotive/GMTO/VW_Golf_problem.html The relay is the one in slot #3. TG
  5. For £11 it wasn't worth fixing. It would always be at the back of my mind that it could be on it's way out again every time the car hicupped or I got hit by a gust of wind even. No worries. I've now got a long list of 'spares' ;-) A garage would have gone through the same list but would have charged me for the privilege as well!
  6. It's the ECU power control relay position #3. Bad / jittery contacts are causing voltage variation to the ECU which basically makes the ignition pulse go funny, wrong timing, not enough voltage or some such. Leading to a mis fire. Seems to have done the trick, touch wood. Haven't been out in it yet. Waiting for daylight. But it actually got up to temp with out being lumpy, it coughed as the fan kicked in, but recovered. Hoping the glitch was just the ECU expecting a mis fire and under fuelling and that it'll teach itself better with time. Since last week it's been erratic whilst idling
  7. The bigger discs are 288 whereas the originals where 280. It's not quite as cut and dried as OBD1 v OBD2, It's just when VW ran out of the smaller discs!
  8. Still the same :-( I did have a play bending the pipe to block it or disconnecting it and I see what you mean about the problems it can cause. I've found this which seems to fit the symptoms as well: http://www.tiepie.nl/uk/automotive/GMTO/VW_Golf_problem.html So off to VW again... TG P.s. Can't believe how much VW charge for a bit of rubber piping, £6.50 + VAT a meter
  9. Not as far as I know ( but I do stand to be corrected ) You will need to let it 'learn the engine', but this can be as easy as letting the car get up to temp ( fans coming on ) whilst idling. Make sure all lights, heater fan rear demist, etc are off. I have recently read a much more complicated procedure involving running at certain revs for certain times but I've always just done the simple version when my ECU has been disconnected and it seems to work fine.-
  10. Indeed you did mate, I'm a n00b though :-p Knowledge is power!
  11. The zeros at either end are the resets. You need to hold it there for a couple of seconds or so. The zero next to the 1 resets the trip counters,. The other, the on going log.
  12. yep found it, I miss read your post and was thinking of the two thin vacuum lines connected to the air box. Doesn't seemed to be blocked or holed. But will pick up a length of pipe as changing the fuel pump relay hasn't helped. I'm reading 7ohms between the block and -ve battery terminal. Does this seem reasonable? As the only things I can now think off is a bad earth, or bad ECU, - as was the case with the 8ver - or both! I've also got an ABS pump error showing. Could they be in some way related? Via a common earth point - he hoped, clutching at straws. TG
  13. cheers guys. yep, I was meaning the socket number. Carl, that does kind of fit. Last time she ran well was after I disjointed a small pipe when checking the state of the filter so could have temporarily dislodged a blockage, like a DVT! There's two small pipes, do you mean the black or white one? TG
  14. It's had an intermittent mis fire between 3 & 4K revs for a while now. In fact since on the way to Germany last Easter :-( Once above 4K every thing is good. Sometimes it won't do it for days then after leaving it standing for a few mins, especially in the wet, it comes back. If I cane it for a while it then goes away again. Until the start of this week when it got suddenly worse. Now it happens across more revs and is bad enough to make the car stall. It then won't start at all for a while, 5 - 10 mins. and after a few coughs and splutters. If left idling it then dies again in no
  15. The latest timetable for VLN 2008 is: March 15: Test March 29 April 12 April 26 May 10 June 21 July 05 July 19 September 13 October 11 October 25 And a video for AndyL:
  16. Hi, This isn't a VR6 question but you know I value VR6 owners knowledge more than anybodies. My MK3 valver is showing similar symptoms to an 8v in another thread. The advice there was possible fuel pump relay problem. I phoned VW and asked for a fuel pump relay and they have supplied me with a Retardation Relay for Fuel Pump #19 not the #12 that Richie suggested. They couldn't find the part number Richie posted on their system! As I've been chasing my problem for months now I'm happy to change anything that might fix it. So my question is, finally, what symptoms could a problem with the re
  17. Don't care. I'm going to have to bow out. Both MK3s are playing up :-( one doesn't run when it's cold, the other when it's hot.
  18. thegoth


    add :width=640 after IMG in the 'image tag'
  19. Rather him than me: http://media.putfile.com/19112007012 You can use the hotels own web site to book now. It's just that it means more cancellation notice is needed. The owner said 'as much as possible' whereas the regional tourism booking site requires just 24hrs. This is the main reason the rooms aren't released to the tourism board yet, I guess too many people canceled at the last minute last year due to the snow the week before. Despite the weather there already ( see above ), I'm tempted to go the camping route! My fire on bonfire night kept me cosy until 3:30 and it wasn't even that
  20. The other night we diagnosed Dailyboyvr6's Corrado as having a bad MAF. I'm going to send him one I happen to have laying around but is he going to need to reset the error codes before the ECU makes the most out of his new hardware?
  21. There was a link to another site which has detailed instructions. I found it when I has similar problems but can't find it now :-( . Cadguy might know as I gave him the link at the time. TG
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