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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. Seems strange if not unprecedented. Just think of the team's overtime bills, Easter being so big in Germany. It's not the end of the world either. Makes Saturday a good night for a party, remember we'll have some stag do stuff to be doing, and spectating VLN cars will be enjoyable in itself, oh the noise :-)
  2. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?146266
  3. What wheel / tyre sizes are your on? If you change the rolling radius of the wheels too much both the speed and distance measurements will be affected.
  4. Sorry to hear that Jez. I had a look at your VR after I left you at the Pod last time round. I can see why swapping engines is your solution of choice. You've done one hell of a lot of work on your shell. Nice job. Could you post the engine number and suppliers details to protect other members if the engines starts 'doing the rounds'. TG
  5. Vouch, vouch. When the smoke gets just too much I'll be back up to Stoke.
  6. We could take one of the club banners and have a very nice photo opportunity on the boat If we can get them to stand up!
  7. I'd have thought they would have had a gate of some sort.
  8. Looks to be true this time :-( . I'm going to amend my flex ticket to the required crossings before the flex places fill up as well.
  9. Yep works for me. Liking that a lot. The model version on the rear spoiler is cute. Is it static or is it a remote control copy? TG.
  10. To my eyes the digram shows (28) going onto the shocks before (25) but after (21)
  11. The current thinking on the Ringers Forum is that they will use it to keep Max Power cars off the track/away, hooray, and to make sure obviously race prep'd cars have been done properly. Andy might, what am I saying, WOULD have had a problem with the Beemer but since he is now going for a 'rental', which all have TUV certification, everything should be OK. After all most Golf mods come form Germany where everything sold has to be TUV approved.
  12. My 2Ps worth is that is sounds like a bad / dry joint or cracked PCB track. So the answer is it can be fixed if you can find the problem. Else I believe it is a new cluster job.
  13. Not in a bad way I hope, but suspect I'm wrong :-( It'll be good to have you along Pete. I promise not to run you off the track this time. TG
  14. very few wires are a single colour. The one coming out the bottom looks lime and brown, the others could be the same or green & blue, but some of it might be grease or dirt.
  15. Hi Claire, It would help if you stated the number of pins in the plug, I'm guessing 2, and the wire colours.
  16. One of the reason they cheaper is they're not taking the head off to do the seals' date=' they'll be using compressed air to lift the valves up or something. And also i know the manager so i get a quite a good rate. [/quote'] f you know the manager and trust him to ensure a good job is done...go for the dealer. To keep up the full dealer work history if nothing else.
  17. The cheapest basic ticket is still £66. The flex-ticket is £45 & £55 = £100
  18. Put me down for a car. I'll clean my air filter and see what difference it makes. [Edit] Doh, just realised I could do it myself ;-)
  19. Apart from American gallons are smaller. One of the few things that are ;-)
  20. Thanks for coming, I'm glad you had a good time and it was worth the journey. I did indeed have a ball setting them all off. I like explosives. Missed DLea, but thanks to a sack of coal and bottle of Southern comfort I managed to stay warm until 3:30. What happened to Monday? TG P.s. Next stop mid summer ;-)
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