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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. 'Cos everyone is going to be coming at different times, due to work or shows, the pre meet at Trumpington has been abandonded in favour of everyone making their own way. I think I've now sent directions to all but PM me if I've forgotten you. TG.
  2. And what a fine looking Vento fronted golf it is! :-p And so powerful too!
  3. That's all you need. The wings are identical to Golf wings. There's a picture of a Vento fronted Golf on the rollers in this thread: http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?197755.230
  4. "I have owned this car for 1 Month now but due to personnel reasons this beautiful car has got to go." = his GF was sh1t scared in it!
  5. Is this you alter ego - by day a mild mannered goth called Nige and by night a fearless, ring riding Belgian biker called Nigel Damn, you got me. I am the Ghostrider!
  6. i'm surprised the censor didn't cut in, it stops pussy and cock much to the annoyance of my pet cat and chicken
  7. He openly admits to being crap with names/faces as he talks to so many people in a weekend.. The TDI seemed fast enough ;-) I quite fancy the Ringhaus' Polo. They make it sound like a gocart. ( and I'm a cheap skate ).
  8. You kept that quiet! You lucky git! Cheers, Andy Oh, I'd thought I'd mentioned it. In the Ring Haus' MK4 TDI whilst I was waiting for everyone to arrive on the Monday morning. I did get a mention, or two, in his Easter write up, although I'm down as being a Belgium biker and a flagger.
  9. I'll have to remember that, as the nearest MaccyDees is miles away ;-)
  10. Well it's time I started thinking about food. Can I have a quick head count of who's coming?
  11. http://www.zercustoms.com/news/New-King-of-the-Ring-Pagani-Zonda-F.html
  12. thegoth


    Here, Here. Another spot on view from PHM ;-)
  13. I wouldn't ask if I were you ;-) They got whooped by the N/A MK3s
  14. Something I found when looking for some info on Dyno Dynamics rolling roads: http://www.thorneymotorsport.co.uk/content/site/downloads/press-release-full-290806.pdf
  15. [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1193692914_2196_FT197755_dscf0689.jpg][/lightbox]
  16. How could I not be happy with a number like that. Even if the Dyno itself was a bit optimistic' date=' relative to everyone else's it's a great figure for a J reg OBD1 :-D Can't be much wrong with her, for all her little foibles. So gave her some on the way home. ;-) [/quote'] Your car smokes more than I do Nige! I was behind you on the Chester Rd... Oh yeah, sorry about that :$ . Just one her little foibles. Valve stem seals is the common opinion. It's hasn't got any worse in the last two years, so I'm discounting the head gasket and with 202 ;-) bhp I think I'm happy that the rings
  17. At the fly How could I not be happy with a number like that. Even if the Dyno itself was a bit optimistic, relative to everyone else's it's a great figure for a J reg OBD1 :-D Can't be much wrong with her, for all her little foibles. So gave her some on the way home. ;-)
  18. My 15 lap ticket was E220 last Easter. I think singles were more like 19 each. At least it proves it will be open for tourist driving.
  19. Anyway, getting back on track. I'm going to have stickers, polo shirts and a selection of long sleeve tops with me on Sunday. Ideal xmas presents ;-)
  20. The first ten day forecasts are in and even though I don't trust them to get it right much before 24hrs ahead, Sunday is looking dry. So I think systems are go. Fireworks will be at 6, to allow Craggsy time to come down after work. Everyone else should aim to meet at Trumpington Park & Ride at 5, with the convoy heading off to my house at 5:30 Please wear stout footwear, if not wellies even, as a bowling green my garden certainly isn't and a torch would be useful to find the way from your car in the dark. The garden is full of sharp, spiky and poisonous plants so parents will need to ke
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