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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. DVD Quality Easter 2007 Nurburgring Cruise: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rlydkn
  2. Around 10 maybe *-) I've got a club banner as you might not recognise the car
  3. I've got a DVD quality 'cruise there' short, dubbed with a Blondie track. As previewed at Billing. I think I posted a link to the mobile version. I'll upload the full version sometime soon. My original plan was to edit together the different versions I have of the final lap but really wanted the full scooby lap first, as it passes all of us, so might just cheat and put everyones laps in singularly. Once I edit out all the blackness where people put the cams down for marshals, or simply left the lens cap on ;-) TG
  4. they did sell 1 in 2000 but its prob just a fake plate That doe make sense. With all the prop guns in use and stunt driving they would have had to have used closed roads. Otherwise the car would have had to be road legal. I saw a program about The Professionals a while ago, in which it was claimed that the producers had to get a special dispensation from the DVLA as the silver Capri used in a later series wasn't the same one as used previously and was ineligible to carry the reg plate they needed to use for continuity. TG P.s. It has also dawned on me since that the 'Golf GTi' on The Bil
  5. More proof, if more proof be needed, that speeding doesn't kill but inappropriate speed does: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7038940.stm :@
  6. Here's the full size copy again. http://www.sendspace.com/file/p30n7h Sorry it took so long. Kept forgetting to bring it to work.
  7. IIRC, For an MOT you will only fail for something that is fitted and doesn't work. They do not have a list of equipment to expect for each car type, otherwise people with smoothed tailgates would fail on rear wash / wipe. Seat belts are the only exception I can think off ;-) Oh, and I guess lights and indicators, but not fogs. You'll fail for having a bald spare tyre, but not for not having one at all. You will need to replace the piece of dash trim with the ABS light for one without, which probably means losing your airbag indicator as well.
  8. thegoth

    Golf +

    Of course I can remember. We where watching South Park BECAUSE I was sh1t faced! Although I was worse the night before.
  9. thegoth

    Golf +

    Shame the pic wasn't bigger. And they could have at least included my car powering it all or mentioned the VR6OC. Where to next? P.s. If you look closely the photo actually shows SouthPark.
  10. I can remember my parents having fireworks and a bonfire when I was a kid, before the country got too nanny. So, when I lived here before I did it once, one year when Maplin, of all people, sold fireworks. And it was indeed good fun. Modern ones seem so much better than the 'standard' ones I remember as a kid: roman candles the size of smartie tubes, rockets small enough to launch from milk bottles. I'd have died if I'd seen a rocket taller than I then was Let's hope the weather is with us.
  11. This is a timetable to love Saturday Night Special Timetable for 13th Oct 8am - Gates Open 9am - Sign on office opens 9am - Pod Shop opens 9.30am - Track opens 1pm - Lunch break - track 1.30pm - Track Re-opens 2.30pm - England vs Estonia (Football) 5pm - Track closes - tea 5.30pm - Track Re-opens 5.30pm - Pod Shop closes 6pm - Jet car demo 8pm - England vs France (Rugby 1st half) 8.40pm - Pole Dancing 9.30pm - England vs France (Rugby 2nd half) 10pm - Pole Dancing 11pm - Pole Dancing 12pm - Pole Dancing 4 the footie and rugby, obviously ;-)
  12. Sorry to hear that Ben. There seems to be a lot of it around. Another friend is having his XJS rebuilt on the back of the death of an uncle.
  13. Oh, by the way Ben. I hope it was a lucky windfall rather than an unlucky, death in the family, type windfall.
  14. Oh, I love Cheddar Gorge. What a stunning location for shiny car pics. Who risked their neck for the from above shot?
  15. The Northampton meet is coming to a village near you! http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?199321.last
  16. Remember, remember the fifth of November, the Gunpowder, treason, and plot, I know of no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. As a change to the usual car parks and pubs and to celibrate the greatest piece of direct action in British history or the saving of the King, depending on your viewpoint, I've selfishly/selflesly played my joker and bagsied the next meet down my way. Initial meet at Trumpington Park and Ride South of Cambridge, J11 M11 - CB2 9FT, (Time TBD) before convoying down to my place for fireworks and all the trimmings.
  17. Only a small mention, but by Quentin Wilson no less! http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/news/motoring/willson/2007/10/07/at-your-service-98487-19909834/
  18. We've been lucky. I had an awful trip earlier this year. Sick bags on the tables ready for us' date=' and I was close to chunder the whole way over. Cheers, Andy [/quote'] Don't say that, it'll put people off. Donna for one. IIRC she was feeling bad on the way back last time and the channel was virtually a mill pond.
  19. Specifically a Beemer M535i ;-) Oooooh! You wait 'till I catch you... Cheers' date=' Andy [/quote'] That'll be a tenner I owe you now!
  20. thegoth

    Its back

    I know they are old hat now, and I'm showing my age, but I suggest you video it ;-) Oh and it will be repeated on Wednesday @ 7 like it always was.
  21. Outside door handles, of a polo variety I assume. Not inside handles or love handles (h)
  22. All! Depends, just navel I'd have thought. Unless you where very brave and are planning on getting a six point harness :-#
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