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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. There's a Texaco garage on the A11 just North of Thetford A11 Thetford Road, Thetford IP24 1QN Best I could find
  2. Apart from the killer section of the A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon, I'd say you'd be better of sticking to the A14 all the way to the A45 North of Northampton. It's dual carriage for most of the way and a lot better for those drive-by video shots.
  3. thegoth

    air filter

    Oh yes :-) It's quite common. Holes and a K&N panel filter are rated almost as high as full on induction kits for noise. For that extra bit of roar remove the sound proofing from the bonnet as well ;-)
  4. Any members, premium or not, are encouraged to turn up to shows and represent the club. All you need is a clean mota and plenty of VR6 enthusiasm .
  5. The A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon can be/is a nightmare during peak hours.
  6. There are some services on the A14 / A1 roundabout ( http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=519500&Y=272000&width=700&height=400&gride=&gridn=&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&keepicon=&zm=0&out.x=5&out.y=11&scale=10000 ) which would make an ideal meeting point for you all. I probably wont be able to meet you as I've got both the club banners so will need to be there as early as poss so that everyone can fin
  7. Should be, the field is massive http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=52.242187&lon=-0.814252&z=18&r=0&src=ggl
  8. Those are the seals that go either end of the water transfer, or crack, pipe. The seals for the sensors / blanking plug are N 903 168 02 and should be cheaper. But hey we are talking about VW!
  9. I got it from VW, so it cost more than 10p. I'll post up the part number tomorrow once I've checked EKTA
  10. Sounds like the thermostat housing and sensors. The blanking plate is there instead of some A/C senor. It's a '10p' O ring that's gone. When mine went I simply got a funnel and some piping and a bucket to catch the coolant which came out as I removed the clip and the plug. Changed the O ring, put back the plug and clip and topped up the coolant.
  11. Being so far away ( in weather forecasting terms ) I wouldn't trust it' date=' but it's looking good so far [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1185546741_2196_FT127205_weather.jpg'][/lightbox] http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/cgi-bin/city10day?LANG=en&WMO=u3018&PROVIDER=anwendung&SID=u30186f6dda54e006665aa32768a4e5518efe&ID=8
  12. Yep, only black magic and mulberry. If they're on ebay post the links up and the VR6OC Highline police will be straight on it ;-)
  13. With all that lovely torque it would be ideal. The max braked load is something like 1.5 tons. The only problem you'll find is that all the tow bars, that I've seen at least, require a hole to be cut out of the rear bumper. T (pikey) G
  14. I did think the set up the Power Station was good. And looking back at least years thread was £30. So they get my vote.
  15. Mmmmm, I do love camping at the Pod. Even when it looks like the Somme, I do love camping at the Pod.
  16. My car didn't move all weekend! Which was in fact the problem as it was too close to an access road which turned into a muddy river and as you know the UK driving test instructs 'If driving on mud and your wheels start spinning give it even more wellie'! But by then it was pinned in behind by tents and there was no way it was going to get through the mud in front. Out with the bucket and sponge? Out with the wallet more like!
  17. My camera was set to tiny but you should get the jist
  18. I'm going to be there early, so I can pitch my tent in the rain, rather than the heavy rain :@ Apart from grabbing a pitch near the barriers to ease exit/entry, does anyone have any top tips on where to camp at a Bug Jam? TG P.s. Mobile is 07986 484169
  19. Still waiting for confirmation from Dub-Donna as to what time we can turn up on Friday.
  20. I read that too and couldn't believe it. How are the remaining staff going to cope? I wouldn't want to get sick in Scarborough!
  21. Had to resize the diagram mate, making it unreadable. But the answer is to go to a Ford dealer. Crank case breather valve:- Ford No: 7364573 ~ £20 TG
  22. Well ain't that spooky! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6903902.stm
  23. Could be. They also have mobile units around my way. Up until recently they may have just typed in unreadable number plates by hand to confirm their status. Did the copper make you open your boot?
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