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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. I had a problem with mine that the fans wouldn't run when the engine was! So cooling was only generated by forward motion. I traced it to only having 8V appearing at the temp sender/switch in the radiator. Ironic as it's only 6 inces from the positive terminal of the battery. I bodged a wire direct from the battery ( with an inline fuse holder ) to the switch and it's been sweet since. TG
  2. Get yourself over to this thread and put your name down dude. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?180033 TG P.s. The sign on fee for the show is good value as it doesn't get as busy as on normal Run What Ya Brung days.
  3. thegoth


    Thought I'd get this in before CadGuy beat me to it ;-)
  4. Hi, This thread mentions a place in Norfolk which does four wheel alignment for not too many pennies. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?158605.0#post_158650
  5. Sound about right to me. What does the MFA show when you select outside temp, or does it just skip it?
  6. My reply came from BigWheelEntertainment, who can't be held responsible for the organising of the show itself. I didn't get 'through' to Autometrix
  7. Another one who has caught the bug :-) Put my name down as well Donna. Might even sprint!
  8. A nice lady, called Sarah ;-) , has already responded to all my points in a satifactory manner. "Hi Nigel Thank you for your email. As you are no doubt aware, the whole of the Midlands and Yorkshire were plagued with extreme weather conditions this weekend. This is something that no amount of organisation can prepare for. I am extremely sorry that you experienced this and our team on site were doing everything they could to help in this situation, including taxi-ing people by 4x4 to their tents. In answer to your questions: Regarding the toilets and showers, we were told there were only
  9. It's been bounced by the GTi international mail server as the inbox is full. I wonder why? TG
  10. Here's the text of the letter I've sent to Gti Internation ( Autometrix ) and Big Wheel Entertainments ( gti@autometrix.co.uk, info@bigwheelentertainments.co.uk ). Feel free to steal any points I've made to add to your own complaints. "Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing, as you are probably expecting, to complain about the standard of the official GTi International show camping this year. And not solely because of the mud. Which, although obviously out of any ones control, could have, I feel, been managed better by a team who are "very capable and experienced." Straw and portable roadways be
  11. The engine is where the rear seats should be! And mostly carbon fibre and fans. But it does move under it's own power so it's not a 100% fake mock up.
  12. thegoth


    Your not the first to be saved ;-) I'm sure your kind words are going to give VR6Pete a nice warm feeling. TG
  13. Absolutely. Last time I went on such a date it was off a ride, run around and go straight back on. I even got on the front of Nemesis without queuing. Top Day. I'll keep my eyes open for 'October out of your mind'* specials TG * the closest I could get to 'May Madness'
  14. I can't remember there being a rule that only premium members can be on club stands. (We do like people to be signed up at least and not to use the stand to try and sell their overpriced / under quality dirtbag of a VR6 ;-) ) We can't really afford to be choosy as there aint that many around, so as long as it's clean and straight ( note to self: wash car in morning ) I think you'll be more than welcome. You'll need a pass, otherwise they'll direct you straight to the car park. Last year we had a spot with easy access to the road way and therfore sprint strip, which was nice. TG
  15. There's two guides in the technical documents section of the downloads . One with torque figres and the order, and another about overhauling the engine which actually shows how the bolts are numbered AND the torque settings.
  16. I think the torque settings mean do them all in order to 30 ft/lbs, and then again ( in order ) to 40ft/lbs and then give each a half turn. They are stretch bolts so you will need a new set. NEVER reuse the old ones.
  17. It's good for me and I think we are the only two going up that way on Friday and camping.
  18. Is it an electric car? All I can see under the bonnet is something that looks like an electric motor ;-)
  19. It's actually now in the techinical documents section of the downloads.
  20. It was. Camping on the stand was so cool. I hope we don't get banned ( (d) ( (d) 8-) Didn't take many photos Bex with her new old skool plates [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1181553443_2196_FT178918_imag0175.jpg][/lightbox] And this! [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1181553443_2196_FT178918_imag0191.jpg][/lightbox] [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1181553443_2196_FT178918_imag0193.jpg][/lightbox] ( Off to check BarryBoys... )
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