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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. I'm loving my greenstuff, they really do produce less dust. My rear wheels now get dirtier than my fronts!
  2. From what I've read on here previously Pete, not easily. The climatronic has sensors hidden all over the place.
  3. The green one, you won't need to buy a new 'Ring sticker for it ;-)
  4. C14 VRG is £399 from the DVLA all in, Regtransfers want £484 with VAT and transfer fee, for the same plate! My recommendation for Pete would be K666 VRG only £250! Highly noticable and you can use pratically any shell you want. Or grow your hair back and get 'Dio VR6'.
  5. There's a whole matrix of VRG plates: http://www.regtransfers.co.uk/main/searchs/easyview.asp?criteria=VRG&fc=vrg although most are available from the DVLA as well, whose price includes VAT and the transfer fee making them cheaper overall.
  6. Or get one straight from the DVLA: http://www.dvla-som.co.uk/home/en/Search/p/prefix?searched=yes&prefix=all&numbers=all&letter1=V&letter2=R&letter3=G&pricefrom=0&priceto=400&x=41&y=13&start=0 I've been thinking about getting C14 VRG for mine and tinting out the windows ;-)
  7. My 2Ps worth: I agree with IbiVR that the full extent of the mods probably got lost in chinese whispers. 'Just Turbo' meaning all the work required to get the turbo going well but not NOZ, go faster stripes, rocket launcher exhaust, fluffy dice or any other ripspeed accessories racer boys expect to find on a car. TG
  8. The team have already stated that he will be going around the outside. He will also be on demonstration tyres and the ride height is going to be cranked up high.
  9. Tommorow 28th April, at around 16:30 local time, a modern F1 Grand Prix car will tackle the Nordscleife for the first time since 1976. After the event 'extensive video footage' is going to be available online at: http://www.bmw-sauber-f1.com/en/index.html Can't wait. TG
  10. Done. I'll be coming From Cambridge along the A14. No doubt picking up Earwig, Donna & G8PMH on the way through Northants.
  11. Got my little VAG305 code read from 'szhid' http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GS305-VAG305-CAN-VW-AUDI-OBDII-seat-skoda-Code-Reader_W0QQitemZ220106560292QQihZ012QQcategoryZ30921QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I got a free OBDI adapter with mine as well :-) Will read, and clear, Engine, Airbag, ABS and Auto-box codes.
  12. That;s a frequently asked question, mate. Best look in the faq. TG. P.s. it's the Aux water pump
  13. Only these two and the supra one is a bit old. The Aquadrome web site has had a revamp and they've removed the site map. http://www.supras.co.uk/events/billing2000/map1.htm http://www.rcoc.co.uk/raleigh_chopper_owners_club38.htm
  14. Cool we are there the same weekend as MGFest and Granada MK1 & MKII club. Can't find Teal on any Billing maps though.
  15. [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1177489853_2196_FT0_scca_or2_wreck_2.jpg][/lightbox] The Porsche driver ( in the pink shirt ) overrun the end of the auto-X course and demolished half the car park! Full story at: http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=3197431
  16. How about the weekend before' date=' either Friday -> Monday, Saturday -> Tursday or even Friday -> Tuesday ;-) [/quote'] No, because it's Inters, (and Muse :-) ) Doh! I thought it looked to good to be true.
  17. Pete, Rather then restricting your self to an R reg shell so that you can keep your plate, why not get a new one. There's alot of VWC plates for £250. Including P3 (Pe) VWC - suitable for the VR6 already offered - or H17 (Hit) VWC or M17 (My) VWC TG
  18. When I last looked Yellow stuff didn't have the cold stopping power but the EBC site now claims to have improved the formulation. But I can't see yellow stuff for Golf in their product list. Only green and red. Although you've got 312 brakes aint ya mate?
  19. As it wasn't insured, as such, I guess CIS don't get a look in. Talking of which, any news on your thrid party claim, Pete?
  20. associable The adjective of associate. According to Microsoft anyway. Can't find it in any 'English' dictionaries!
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