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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. thegoth

    Top Gear

    Wednesday at 7 on BBC 2 Some time ( 7? ) Saturday on BBC3
  2. If it doesn't arrive in 14days, she's in the clear. For APNR, they will always pull you over. If they car isn't taxed, insured etc where are they going to send a letter to? If it's not 100% legit, they can, and will, take it off you there and then. I saw a 'Police Stop Action' program last year where a copper was after taking a girls motor because the APNR said it wasn't insured. The tearful girl, who insisted it was insured to no avail, had to get her sister to drive down with her certificate. TG
  3. If it was an APNR camera there would have been police units further down the road, pulling over cars failing the checks. One appeared on my way to work a couple of times a few months back. Didn't have a camera sign.
  4. Sounds like the immobiliser is turning off if all the electrics are coming on. Have you checked fuses or tried removing the stereo, in case it's caused/causing a short?
  5. thegoth


    Are Saxo's normally that unstable? Or was it the weight of all the Elizabeth Duke 'gold' sovereigns hanging on the roof?
  6. Hi Gav, It should start as soon as you turn the key and the electrics come on, even before you start the engine. It should also run after you remove the key for a long as the cooling fans do. Sorry, but I have no idea why yours wouldn't.
  7. As explained by a '100 best' show: She's left her partner and ditches all the expensive gifts he's given her ( diamond ring, pearl necklace, jewellry & fur coat ) but keeps the Golf as she can live without the bloke or trinkets but not a VW.
  8. Looking at the weather forecast, my answer is "No, I'll be stopping in bed" TG
  9. After months off searching ( note to self: get a life ) here it is Enjoy And a couple of other classics:
  10. Especially as the next meet is at the snow dome. Lol!
  11. Hey it could have been worse. Just found this to make you feel better. [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1170927840_2196_FT158187_wet_golfs_side.jpg][/lightbox] And this was 24hrs after it stopped raining. At it's height it was over the 1st ones number plates. P.s. Neither are mine :-D
  12. thegoth


    VR6 Snow plow. [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1170927204_2196_FT158122_imag0006.jpg][/lightbox] A set of winter wheels anyone? [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1170927204_2196_FT158122_imag0007.jpg][/lightbox] I walked to work. Don't trust other drivers at the best of times.
  13. Noted ;-) I hope you don't mind, but the photos are doing the email rounds at work (6) I've done similar during a thunder storm. TG
  14. @ 160K Miles. When my top tensioner 'rubbing plate' looked like this: [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1170926397_2196_FT158156_1150736853_2196_ft0_tensioner1.jpg][/lightbox]
  15. Yep, gone in fact. I took it that they where trying to refinance the business but last night one of their main creditors, a bank, said no to the proposals. Just like FarePak!
  16. Rememeber to leave space in your boot for all the trophies you'll be walking away with ;-)
  17. Translated by Google (and stolen from another forum ;-) ) BBS automotive technology places 06.02.2007 16:37 to insolvency request: 00 Scold oh (aktiencheck.de AG) - the BBS automotive technology AG (ISIN DE0005196232/WKN 519623), an offerer of high-quality light alloy wheels, announced on Tuesday that it placed 2007 insolvency request on 2 February. Although to the time of the filing of an application still promising negotiations were led to the re-establishment of the solvency of the enterprise, was reason for the filing of an application that the society was guessed/advised into serious liqu
  18. I've known that for 20yrs. :-) With practice you can do it through a t-shirt. Very entertaining at parties.
  19. Great, MK was picked especially for you! I'm very interested in seeing this snow dome place. Don't do skiing myself but watching other people fall over could be funny. Can't vouch for which of my ladies I'll be bringing yet. TG
  20. I'll have a spare SatNav with full European maps for anybody who doesn't want to keep up with the speed demons. Preprogrammed for the 'Ring; just hit the Home button ;-)
  21. I've stopped, just not worth it. Also it's going to make my trip to the 'Dam in 3 weeks soo much sweeter. Still gonna take my eyeglass just in case. TG
  22. The smoothness is a trick caused by silicon in the spray. Like optical whiteners in washing powder. The crap that comes off on the clay is real though. :-) I need some of that bumber treatment as my trims spend most of the time grey. TG P.s. Wish I lived in Scotland. Great back drop.
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