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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. Beat ya too it Richie. There's a link to the same clip on YourTube or GoogleVid in the Easter 2007 Trip thread. Still good to watch again though, and again.... People slate MK3s for being too heavy but at least they don't roll at the first hint of a skid like the 2nd car!
  2. Yes, for all three. The cylinders prone to wear are usually 1 and 6.
  3. To my mind 16vers are 'sub': they love to get canned and scream with it. VR6s are 'dom': do something wrong and you're are going to get hurt. ;-)
  4. Hiya Mark, Red/yellow/white sounds like a composite input, with sound. So no good for VGA. For VGA you are going to need RGB BNC inputs ( http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=97368&criteria=vga&doy=23m1 ) I would be surprised for a plasma to only have a composite input. What's the model number? And what sort of laptop is it? TG
  5. Here's a map Cadders posted b4 the Sept trip http://www.dover.gov.uk/maps/dover-map.pdf But if you must: CT16 1LN TG
  6. Distilled all day long. 40-50% G12 depending on where you live ( ;-) VR6Pete ) and how cold it's going to get.
  7. SpeedFerries have updated the timetable for Easter :@ They do say there are going to tell everyone! Our outward crossing has been moved forward an hour to 07:00. Good news, gets us to the 'Ring an hour earlier albeit with an hour less in bed. Current cost is £79 :-D The 21:00 back is now at 20:50, not much change. (Currently £59) The 19:00 seems to have disappeared altogether. My guess is that you'll now be on the 17:10. You would be better off moving to the later one. Don't forget you gain an hour on the way back, so arrive in Blighty before you've left France. 8-) TG
  8. Let this serve as a warning to all you dubbers.... http://video.google.com/url?vidurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D640695539059738855%26q%3DNordschleife%2Bcrash&docid=640695539059738855&ev=v&esrc=gvpl&usg=AL29H20yig8rL7HQTVJtuV7FNOKP6M5Qig ... never take your beetle onto the 'Ring
  9. Likewise, it'll be good to meet the North Loop crew. Could I have gone onto the track, oops road ;-), after one of you guys in a Pug in September? I would have said Gary, but thought he'd moved onto his MK2 VR6. TG P.s. Thanks for ths Sig :-)
  10. Doh! I think I'll claim finger trouble ;-)
  11. Last September it was Dover town leasure centre, 200m from the ferry port.
  12. if they where covered with the shit I've seen, you did good. Have you seen Ideal?
  13. Although, on closer, minute inspection.. it might not be glass .... but it don't burn (6)
  14. Some good advice posted by RCF. Has certainly expanded my list ideas from simply kicking a wheel. "I hope you don't mind my 2p worth and I dont mean to teach anyone to suck eggs here. I have found in my past (with much older cars) that issues when on load are generaly caused by a few main things like Spark and Fuel. I see you say spark is there. Is it a good strong spark as on load the demands are greater so if you swap the pack and leads that will remove that from the equation. If not them then return to the Motor Factors and you know you are generating a good spark and there is no degenerat
  15. Fair enuff :-) I know all about ice, me. Learnt enough from Dog the bounty hunter to know it's a bad bad place. I thought you might have had some inside knowledge about parsly sprayed with meth being passed off as weed (h)
  16. Does the 5000th member get a prize? Free Premium?
  17. I'm gald we have one of those SEM microscopes at work! All that sparkles isn't glass ;-)
  18. Of course. Mine's hibirnating as well. Ownership and membership are invite enough. What's it gonna be? Not a diesal focus ;-)
  19. It's shocking how they put a price on someone's pride and joy. I strongly believe that someone elses insurance company shouldn't be allowed to write your car off. They should have to cough up to have it repaired no matter the cost versus value. After all why should you lose out due to someone else being a fuk wit. He wasn't on his mobile was he? TG
  20. Sorry to hear that Donna. Hope they don't write her off. Was it a white van? Sue the arse of him, injurylawersfordonna.com. It'll pay for your carpets! TG
  21. Depends how you intend to drive it. I've seen family estates going around with two kids, in child seats obviously, and a dog in the back behind a mutt screen, just to say that they'd done it. If he wants a hot one, the family can be left behind or he can grab a passanger lap. You should know it's just as much about the atmosphere as it is about trying (not) to kill yourself lapping. TG
  22. Peeps bringing PMR radios and how many.
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