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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. I went for a Super 10 ticket ;-) TG
  2. www.speedferries.com £29. They have extended the offer for the open tickets until the 3rd Jan. TG
  3. Hi, The outside L pipe is best replaced, with something 'fatter', rather than removed or else you'll suck hot/warm air in from the engine bay. As for the inner cone, here's a thread: http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?91237.post Happy New Year TG
  4. I would have said that red stuff was over kill for a first trip. The bushes and coilovers will make the biggest difference. TG P.S. There was a similar thread before the September trip ;-) P.P.S. #9 New clutches!
  5. Hi Ben, Simple. Because it's old. Or at least the engine is. I don't know how long they lasted, but the early VR6s did have dizzys. The short run does make finding replacements neigh on impossible. The easiest place to start on ABS problems is VAG-COM (do a search ) Although I haven't been able to find the socket in my 1992. ( No it's not next to the front ash tray ) TG
  6. Here's a link to a BMW produced overview of the 'Ring. Very polished. Obviously BMW orientated, especially the last 5mins, but includes some nice footage of the track including VWs. http://content.bmwusa.com/microsite/x52007/downloads/nurburgring/overview22_wmv.zip It's 280MB, so a decent broadband connection is needed. TG
  7. The 'book' says 10gallons, or 45litres for you euro speakers. TG
  8. That's my last day of freedom :-( Back to work Monday, so count me in, to prolong the godd times. Although I'll have to bring Nadia, as Bex is offcially in hibination. TG.
  9. Hi, Are you taling the 2inch(ish) diameter platic and 'sticker' ones or the larger ones which cover the bolt holes as well? You can pick the small ones up from http://www.gpcvwaudi.com/, my favourite plug ;-) £4 each + delivery + vat. Jezmoz has/had a set of the larger for sale, PM him. TG
  10. That's a shame Luke. It was looking good. Hope the insurance don't roast you too badly. Though even at best they are not going to pay to replace your shocks. Which did you go for in the end? TG P.s. Can I call first dibs on your two good wheels ;-)
  11. Phew, Lothian that's a way away. In fact prossibly double the distance us southern monkeys have to go. Anyway, I'm all booked! Speedferries are currently selling open saver tickets for £29 (each way) which you can ammend for free to the appropriate sailings once a plan is in place. And for accomodation I've booked here: http://bookings.net/hotel/de/hotelzumgoldenenfasschen.html?aid=304264;label=osm_region1479_en;sid=a7b8a32f60aa042e338960c3762d37a8 I stayed there on my first ever trip and couldn't fault it. Admittadly it's not inside the 'Ring but it's only a short cruise away (< 15mi
  12. The common concensus at the rolling road day was: "yes", "at Easter", "no I'm not bloody camping!" For all you none christians, Easter is 6 - 9 April. DIY avatars at: http://www.dookyweb.com/avatars.swf
  13. The opening times for the next six months ( including Easter 2007 ) have been posted on the official site: http://www.nuerburgring.de/1_nuerburgring/touristenfahrten/index.html?L=1#1312 TG Here's the ongoing Easter 2007 trip list ( 6th-9th April ) Ferry Booked (0700 out and 2050 back: TheGoth ( H ) 1PMR JimPotter ( C ) 2PMR Earwig-VR6 ( H ) 1PMR Craggsy ( C ) Ingham ( C ) SeaDemon + Crew ( C ) AndyLaurence ( H ) 4PMR VR6Pete ( C ) 2PMR CADGuy ( C ) VWSyncro & those crazy Dutchies ( C ) no ferry needed!
  14. LOL. All the better halves must be loving this thread. I'm not going to be able to look some peeps in the eye again (h)
  15. I've added my 'Ring cruise vid to the group as well... eventually...even I was on the verge of giving up in confusion.
  16. I say that's a 'hollywood'. Brazilians leave a small V of the densest forest. But what would I know (h) As I've said before: Mmmm burgers. Think I'm still going to bring sandwiches!
  17. As far as I can tell the only light coming out of my projectors is being focused from the rings, especially a particularly bright LED behind the Hella logo.
  18. Hi, I've just checked mine. The rings are my sidelights. The outside 'projectors' come on as dipped beam, the inside lamps being my full beam. TG
  19. We are one step ahead of you: http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?147350
  20. Me too. And a couple of the others as well ;-) It's not the cost, it's the invasion of privacy. Did you know that APNR searches are kept indefinatly even if you are fully taxed, MOT'd and insured! TG
  21. Now I've had some sleep and hot food, I understand the question. I used Pinnacle 8 to do the 'Ring movie. Came with my ATi Video card. Recently got a £6 Ebay HK firewire card which came with Ulead Video Studio 8 wich does look easier, and smoother, to use. Both should be able to capture via firewire, it's just that I can't get my camera to be seen as a device. TG
  22. The same footage as a serious news report, without the cheesy music obviously. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/men/video/popup/519.html TG
  23. Are you loosing coolant, Mark? Any damp carpets? My solution for ( adnittadly for less misting than you describe ) is to turn on the heaters full until the windows are clear and the air in the car saturated and go for a blast with the windows wide open so the wet air blows away. And repeat as required. Otherwise as soon as the air cools the car mists again. Doesn't work if it's raining outside ;-) TG P.S. One last thought: When I took my scuttle panel/rain guard off over the weekend there was a load of soggy leaves sat around the cabin air intake.
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