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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. I now always camp with wellies and wet wipes having seen one muddy festival too many.
  2. It's the throttle body which is the given. Retro fitting larger brakes is common but doesn't normally involve changing the abs pump/controller. But being an 'N' it'll be on the cusp, and made out of whatever VW had in stock. I have heard of an early highline with square repeaters! AS OBD specifically refers to the engine management yours does sound like OBD1. How many owners has it had? Could the guy who sold it to you have been miss informed? Like a gane of chinese whispers. TG
  3. Grand day out. Shame the VW Cup races where nought but fillers, first and last of the day and only 20mins long each.
  4. Is it only two weeks ;-) When I went for the same brake set up as Seademon I also had ATE Super Blue Racing Fluid 'fitted'. Higher boiling point and lower water uptake. £10+vat/L from Eurocarparts, shops not mail order. A competant mechanic can do the change using 1L. TG
  5. The book says 174BHP. Highlines are supposedly more like 190, not sure if that can be said of all OBD2 engines. Get yourself along to the next VR6OC rolling road day to find out for sure ;-) TG P.S. First hint: If it's still on standard shocks, get them changed for some that don't wallow so much.
  6. I cant find a statute saying a plate must be a standard size. The letters must be, obviously, and there's a minimum spacing between letters and the edge of the plate. Keep to those and you should be alright. This link has some picks of the permissable layouts and details of spacing: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2001/20010561.htm TG
  7. My current recomendation is one of these : http://www.cg-lock.co.uk/ Keeps you well in your seat so you can concentrate on steering rather then hanging on. Unless you go for full on racing seats, a harness is not recommended, especially on a 3dr, as the extra strain in a crash can snap the seat back leaving your own back unprotected. TG P.s my apologies if this is teaching you to suck eggs but have a look here www.nurburgring.org.uk before tackling the 'Ring
  8. Rally design got some off the shelf blues ones to me within 24hrs. But that was before the group buy cleared them out... TG
  9. Or from a ford Dealer: main thermostate housing - 1032250 - 21.74 + vat head seal - 1022692 - 1.51 + vat connector to pipe seal - 1018807 - 0.80 + vat temp sensor seal - 7198663 - 0.63 + vat connector to water pipe & therm cover ( can't tell which is which from my invoice ) - 1032251 & 1032252 - 7.64 & 7.79 + vat Prices at April '06 my breather valve ( 7364573 ) was 20.54 + vat (Jul 06) Sorry to be unfaithful, but my nearest Ford dealer is a 5mins walk. VW are 10 miles away. TG
  10. I'm confused, why did Dusty have to go? Surely, with it's R32 looks that's just as much an idiot magnet as Dusty was. And you seem to be £4K down on the deal. Nice mota though ;-) TG
  11. I ain't seen it before. Top find Steve. Proves I like in a special extra pricey corner of Rip Off Britain. Interestingly is also answers the question about where tesco get there 99RON rocket fuel from: http://www.greenergy.com/products/99_octane.html
  12. When the VR6 was released Germany had a 'fast car' tax, which came into effect at 175BHP. I picked up an autojumble Corrado airbox which looks pretty much the same as the Golf one I had. Except it's now missing the cone and looks like a collander ;-) Like The_One said go for a K&N panel, better breathing but standard looks. Get one from Ebay then when/if you go for full induction sell it on again and you won't be out of pocket. TG
  13. Mine hasn't either. I assumed it was to do with it's age. It does have a green LED indicator next to the switch which comes on with the sidelights. My newer 16V GTi has a buzzing buzzer. So I assume if you don't have a LED you should have a buzzer.
  14. 1800kg sounds like the max permissable vehicle weight. Standard GTi alloys are rated at 450kg a corner. Can't remember the figures for BBSs. Leather isn't going to add much relatively. Having just refitted my passanger seat I can vouch that cloth ones are heavy enough. TG
  15. VrSick :-) so I hope the new J5KE X is ready.
  16. CRITICAL_ERROR: Line : generic, class2.php Error reported as: [6]: Unable to form a valid connection to mySQL. Please check that your e107_config.php contains the correct information. 22nd Aug 13:04. clicking there to see list of new items, from PHM funny as fcuk thread. All go again after a couplde of refreshes
  17. Probably as good. I've done some research and the legal PMR types have a maximum power of 500mW. The 18milers I saw where 5W and therfore completely illegal ;-) TG
  18. Cadguy's seen one too, or at least the back of one in a 1/4mile sprint ;-)
  19. Get it in writing!! To cover your back and to double/triple check the stealer muppet isn't talking about belts on a 4 pot or fitting snow chains ;-) And then 'bite their hands off'. TG
  20. The martix itself is <£30 IIRC, but you have to take the dash out to replace it. Not nice. TG
  21. Hope you have better luck with yours then I did with mine. It was great at the start but in amongst the trees it kicked into dead reckoning mode and it didn't reckon on me driving the 'Ring ;-) Here's alink to change GPS log files into Google Earth plots: http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/map?form=googleearth TG
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