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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. You got caught on the webcam queing. Didn't look too bad from the webcam. Then I saw some of Ben Lovejoy's grid lock photos. I'm booked for the end of June. Can't wait. TG
  2. Some video footage from the Pod. Some near suicidal shots of the jet car and Jakes VR6 appears at the very, very end. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5320799941355764688&q=vw&pl=true
  3. Indeed: http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/cgi-bin/regframe?3&PRG=citybild&LANG=en&WMO=10506&PROVIDER=anwendung http://wetter.rtl.de/deutschland/uebersicht.php?id=10506&id2=10506&ort=nurburg A bit of rain on a first trip can be a good thing! It keeps the bikers of the track. Avoid the kerbs though! Have fun. I'm jealous and can't wait the two months until my trip. TG
  4. The in02 is the telling you it wants a (major) service. TG
  5. a) Has the problem just started? Are all the copies made using the same blanks? c) and/or on the same burner? I'd suggest trying a different brand of media. Also try burning them at a lower speed which should help to reduce the 'jitter' and help the laser to keep on track. TG
  6. Hi John, Sounds like the thermostat housing. The main water pump is at the other end of the block and the additional one is behind the coilpack. Does it look like this? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VR6-thermostat-housing-AAA_W0QQitemZ4624316333QQcategoryZ9889QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Splits/cracks in the housing are not uncommon. TG
  7. I've got a MK3 16ver for my daily commute. When ever I use the VR6 for work I'm late! Direct it's only 3 miles but the VR6 route is more like 10-15miles :-) TG
  8. Hi, Cant find it at gsf site. the www.eurocarparts.com number is 201440740: 62.95 + vat TG
  9. A R32 registered from tomorrow onwards will!! (259g/Km) TG
  10. Good news for some. Here are the new VEDs hot off the press Table A8a: VED bands and rates for cars registered after 1 March 2001 (graduated VED) VED rate (£) CO2 emissions Cars using VED band (g/km) alternative fuels Petrol car Diesel car A 100 and below 0 0 0 B 101 to 120 30 40 50 C 121 to 150 90 100 110 D 151 to 165 115 125 135 E 166 to 185 140 150 160 F 186 and above1 180 190 195 G 226 and above2 200
  11. Sounds like the type who'd do 40 in a 60mph zone AND 40 in a 30mph zone. TG. P.s. Hope the dentist wasn't to bad. I've gotta go on Friday. Fingers crossed.
  12. I've read somewhere today that it will be >250g/km. But of course that only applys to newer cars > 2001. For older cars I think ( hope and pray ) they will introduce a new band for engine sizes above X. Place your bets now as to what X might be. Fingers crossed for 2995cc. TG
  13. Ooouch!!! Cars with the lowest rate of emissions would pay no vehicle excise duty but the 1% of most polluting cars would pay £210
  14. Have you tried http://www.gpcvwaudi.com/ "RS2" REAR BADGE..........................£10.00 TG
  15. Surely nobodies past (or future) can be as dark as VR6Lee's No, no cape. And no eyeliner, I am 37 after all. I might have miscounted, unless you count the VR6 as a hearse (it's more then likely to see one dead body, mine ): Snackbite, Blackclothing, the Goth 2 step, Strange Hobbies and partial points for going to York Uni and humming Goth tracks as I can't whistle. Last time I saw the Sisters live I was astonished by how muck like a turtle Eldritch looked! TG
  16. No it was a hot chilli red one, with cream leather. Looks like somebody else is about to go down in flames.
  17. Well I've finally plucked up courage to post these two. firstly, olden but not so golden: Whats the difference between a buffalo and a bison? You can't wash your hands in a buffalo. And a complete non joke: What are elephants large and grey? 'cos if they where small and white they'd be asprins. Who say's goths dont have a sense of humour! TG
  18. 1 Drinks snakebite Former or closet goths still display a lingering thirst for snakebite - half a pint of lager with half a pint of cider, sometimes with blackcurrant. Snakebite is the worst thing the goths ever did after their invasion of the Roman Empire in 267. 2 Penchant for eyeliner It seems everybody's wearing eyeliner these days, but a goth's make-up is a smidgen more extreme: the skin is powdered white, and black eyeliner is used on eyes, brows, lips and sometimes - to draw cobwebs, probably - the skin. NB: goths do not use bronzer, rouge, or St Tropez self-tan. 3 Cape Capes have
  19. thegoth

    VR6 show

    Alton Towers! I haven't been since b4 they got Oblivion, let alone Air and whatever is new this year. TG
  20. I certainly am. I have already got myself a bed for the night near J11 so I can catch the GP and still be there in time :-) TG
  21. That's a shame Claire I was looking forward to seeing Rusty, sorry, Dusty. For anybody who is still going ;-) I'm going to be stopping Saturday night in Luton, not 5mins walk from GPC. If anyone needs anything I'll be happy to pick it up and bring it to the Pod. http://www.gpcvwaudi.com/ TG
  22. The 900 sounders have a switch on them so you can disable the noise, for when disconnecting the car battery etc. Do you have a small round key with your master fobs?
  23. To make everyone feel better: I was 37 a fortnight ago. TG
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